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10 Signs Your Relationship Is Moving Too Fast

The pace of our lives has become very fast over the last few decades, so naturally relationships have changed as well. There is less time for social and romantic foreplay – people quickly fall for each other and get together due to intense chemistry. But when the passion calms down a bit, they find out they don’t really know much about their partner, and the whole relationship crumbles even faster than it appeared.

12 Things to Know Before Dating Someone With Anxiety

Anxiety is a pretty big romance killer, but it’s a reality that many have to live with on a day to day basis. Being in a relationship with someone who suffers from anxiety isn’t always the easiest, and there might be one rough moments, but here are some key ways to cope with it in a controlled but compassionate manner.

9 Romantic Dinner Ideas That Will Impress Your Date

Making someone a home-cooked meal is a very intimate act, and can show them that you are ready to get to know them on a more personal level. If you are ready to take your date planning skills to the next level, check out these 9 romantic dinner recipes that are sure to impress your date.

8 Signs You’re About To Enter The Friend Zone

Being in the friend zone is one of the most disappointing things, whether you’re a girl trying to win over your crush, or a boy, desperately trying to become a boyfriend. Either way, it’s not fun and will bring down even the most cheerful person.

10 Reasons to Date a Dog Person Instead of A Cat Person

While cats have the reputation of being a little snooty and doing whatever they want, dogs are more famous for being a shoulder to cry on when you’re feeling down, or providers of a cozy snuggle on a chilly night. That innate kindness is bound to be found in their owners as well – here are the top reasons to date a dog owner.

10 Ways to Deal with an Unwanted Crush

Sometimes, all the magic in the universe converges and you find chemistry with someone who is also into you. Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen all the time, and it can result in an awkward situation that can be worse than the friend zone. Here are some of the most effective ways to deal with an unwanted crush.

9 Small Things Guys Notice About You Even If You Think They Don’t

While men do pay attention to the more obvious things first, they do care about everything else too. They pay attention to the things you say, how you say them, your personality, your views on life, your style, etc. They might not comment on it, but trust me, they notice. So let’s talk about 9 small things guys notice about you even if you think they don’t.

14 Reasons To Date a Confident Guy

There’s nothing sexier than dating someone who is self-assured with high-self esteem. They don’t project any toxic emotions or insecurities, and generally, make you feel like you’re the queen of their world.