≡ Author: Yuliia Popova 》 Her Beauty

6 Diy Lip Scrub Recipes

Lip scrubs are the easiest way to keep your lips looking soft and lush and to make sure your favourite lipstick or lipgloss glides on smoothly and shows up as the true color. And the good news is – you don’t have to spend crazy amounts of money on lip scrubs. Here are just a few easy DIY lip scrubs that you can easily make at home.

26 Valery Kaufman Facts To Know – Jared Leto’s Secret Girlfriend

Valery Kaufman is a popular Victoria’s Secret model who also happens to be Jared Leto’s on and off bae since 2015. I mean, she’s even met his mom. If we were Jared, we would lock it down. He has a history of dating Russian models, but it seems that there’s something about this European looker that has been hard to give up, even after 5 years.

Are Gwen Stefani And Blake Shelton Getting Married?

We’ve been diehard Gwen Stefani fans since the her No Doubt days, and that includes all the romantic ups and downs in her personal life. First, people thought that the 50-year-old and her country singer BF Blake Shelton eloped, but it turns out there’s more than one reason Gwen hasn’t wed yet.

12 Simple Ways to Show Love for Yourself

It’s not always easy to love yourself. Especially when the world around you seems to be falling to shambles, and just turning on the news stresses you out. But showing love to our fellow friends is so easy, so why can’t we show ourselves that same support and respect?

7 Best Breakfast Sandwiches Ever

Whether you’re a fan of breakfast in the AM or breakfast for dinner, this is one meal we’ll never get sick of. This rings especially true when it comes to breakfast sandwiches, which are heavenly little morsels that we definitely deserve to indulge in once in a while.

Bohemian Summer: How to Wear the Boho Trend Right

If you like the bohemian esthetic, but aren’t quite sure how to pull it off, and want to look like a chic 2020 boho girl, and not like an 80s hippie – here are a couple of tips on what’s in trend and how to wear it right.