≡ Author: Hellen Gordon 》 Her Beauty

What Your Face Really Reveals About You

We’re often taught to not judge a book by its cover. But have you ever felt that you can just tell what kind of person someone is at first glance, just by looking at their face? Is that judgemental? Is that wrong? Well, turns out there’s quite a bit that a person’s face can reveal about them.

9 Essential Wardrobe Pieces For Curvy Women

While there is a lot of information about wardrobe essentials for each season and we constantly hear about the constantly changing trends, we believe it’s more important to build your wardrobe around what makes you look best. Here’s a list of 10 essential items that should serve as a base of your wardrobe.

10 Ways To Make More Time For Yourself

It’s easy to get overwhelmed, between work and other responsibilities in your life. If you feel close to burnout, it’s a sign that you need to lighten that mental light and make more time for yourself. Don’t worry — the entire world won’t fall apart. Downtime can help improve you plan for your future, relax, and become mentally stronger.