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The Ultimate Guide to 80s Fashion

Even as we finish off the second decade of the 2000’s ‘80s fashion trends are still making a comeback. From the runway to fast fashion brands, everyone is hopping on the 80s fashion bandwagon. It’s such a vibrant and iconic era for fashion, so why not remix it over and over again?

7 Short Haircuts for Older Women

Growing older can be quite a transition to adjust to; but one thing that we are totally in control of is our hair. No matter the age, hair is a way to establish identity and spark new chapters in life. If you’ve outgrown your previous style, there is a world of options that are beautiful for older women.

10 Things You Were Going To Google About Jake Gyllenhaal

You know him from Donnie Darko if you grew up in the 90s, everyone saw his incredible performance in Brokeback Mountain and most recently he played Mysterio in Spiderman: Far From Home. Jake Gyllenhaal has it all. He’s gorgeous, he’s talented, he’s quirky and funny and he’s such a charmer.

14 Fun Christmas Treat Ideas

The festive season is upon us and Christmas is just around the corner. Everyone’s counting down the days, opening up their advent calendars day by day, decorating their homes with fairy lights and tinsel, and putting up Christmas trees. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year. And you know what can make it even better? Fun and delicious Christmas treats.

6 Signs The New Guy You Like Is Too Good To Be True

So you’ve met someone new, and all you can see are hearts everytime you are around him. Your interaction with him seems like something straight out of a fairytale. But something in the back of your mind is telling you that your new perfect guy could be a little too perfect. But can there be such a thing as too perfect?

7 Ultimate Winter Date Ideas

Having someone to snuggle up to during the cold weather may be one of the best parts about winter. And with the chilly season upon us, this is the perfect time to start planning perfect winter dates with your special someone.

How To Remove Makeup (Proper Guide)

How many of you use makeup every day? But are you as diligent with taking it off every evening? You really should be, because sleeping in your makeup is bad for your skin. However, we all know that sometimes we get home after a long day, we feel tired and then we find out that we ran out of makeup remover. Well, thankfully there are other ways of cleansing your face and removing makeup that work just as well.