Coconut oil has been showing up on shelves all over, and health fanatics swear by it. But what can coconut oil actually do for you? The truth is, it has plenty of benefits, from beauty to nutrition.
1. It’s a medium chain triglycerides, which means that the fat goes straight to the liver in order to be used as a fast energy source.

2. Coconut oil can increase the rate of fat burning and the amount of calories burned compared to other longer chain fats – especially in the abdomen.

3. You can use it for oil pulling. Oil pulling unbolted swishing oil around your mouth as you would mouthwash. It’s an old Indian remedy that can improve dental health.

4. It’s also a fantastic skincare remedy for dark spots, anti-aging, and a shortcut to a gorgeous glow when combined with an existing skincare routine. Thanks, antioxidants!

5. Coconut oil produces monolaurin, which can kill bacteria, fungi, and other dangerous pathogens such as viruses. It is commonly used to kill yeast infections.

6. It can help reduce hungry thanks to the fatty acid content as well as ketones which can reduce appetite.

7. Coconut oil has natural saturated fats that can raise good HDL cholesterol, especially compared to soybean oil.

8. It can help fight against Alzheimer’s disease thanks to the MCFA component and the key addition of ketones.

9. Coconut oil products against liver damage as well as curing urinary tract infections. Goodbye tart cranberry juice!

10. It’s a digestive aid powerhouse, helping you take in fat-soluble essentials like magnesium and vitamins.

11. It can be used as sunblock and a salve for wounds and burns due to its antioxidant-filled healing powers as well as the inclusion of caprylic.

12. Coconut oil can be used as a conditioner as well as a treatment for damaged hair thanks to its protein content. You can use it as a mask or massage your head with it to fight dandruff and dry scalp issues.

13. Coconut oil, when used in aromatherapy, can help remove stress and having a soothing effect that is known to rejuvenate mental fatigue.

14. It can help your body absorb important minerals such as calcium which is necessary for bone growth. Therefore, it is extremely helpful to the osteoporosis prone.

15. You can cook with it to infuse all of your foods with a mild but slightly tropical and fresh essence that is way better for you.