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6 Best Salads from Around the World

All over the world, there are plenty of salads that will make your mouth water, and your stomach hungry for another helping. For the most delicious greens on earth, check out the list of these 6 best salads from around the world.

10 Health Benefits of Matcha Green Tea | Her Beauty

10 Health Benefits of Matcha Green Tea

Matcha is the superfood form of green tea, with one cup of matcha producing the benefits of three regular cups of green tea. From shots to desserts, to lattes and detox drinks, there are several ways to consume this deliciously nutritious tea.

8 Things You Should Always Have In Your Fridge

One of the biggest transitions into adulthood is learning how to cook meals for yourself consistently. Cooking saves money and it generally helps you eat healthier. But with the busy lives we lead as women, it’s not always easy to go grocery shopping on a regular basis. That’s why it’s great to have some basic things in your fridge. This is the life hack to being able to create a great meal, even when you are in between grocery store visits, or even in between paychecks.

8 White Night Countries to Visit

If you are a lover of travel and beautiful scenery but have never heard of white nights, you’re in for a real treat. Sunsets are beautiful, but white nights offer exquisite views in their own right. White nights –when the sun shines well into the night and/or it never gets quite dark overnight – can be found across the globe during summer months, and offer a magical experience like no other.

6 Best Strawberry Recipes To Try This Summer

When I think of summer, I immediately think of strawberries. Yes, these days they tend to be available year round but in the summer they’re in season which means they’re extra sweet, extra fresh and extra juicy. It’s the best time to add them into your breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, just add them to everything and then eat some extra ones on the side.

11 Best Foods To Eat In The Rainy Season

With the beauty of rainy season, abundant greenery, and flowers blooming everywhere, comes an array of infections and diseases capable of ruining your health in no time. Some precautions need to be taken to strengthen your body and give it the necessary boost to fight off anything nasty coming your way. Food is the perfect remedy to do just that!

9 Easy Ways to Break Your Junk Food Snacking Habits

Nowadays everyone wants to live as healthy as possible, which means saying no-no to a bunch of harmful habits, including munching on junk food. That’s no easy task, we admit that! But there are a few tips you can use to make the transition as painless as possible.