≡ 10 Fit Girl's Habits to Be Slim and Healthy All the Time 》 Her Beauty

10 Fit Girl’s Habits to Be Slim and Healthy All the Time


Fit girls always look slim, healthy and feel great about themselves. There are many reasons for that, but first and foremost — they think like fit people. It all starts in your mind, your thoughts, and emotions. If you have strong intentions to become fit, don’t postpone it and start making small changes right now. It’s much easier than everyone thinks it is! You don’t have to change your whole diet overnight and buy a one-year gym membership. Start with small things that will improve your life immediately, and the rest will follow. Here are 10 fit girl’s habits to be slim and healthy all the time.

Mindful mornings

Start your morning in a healthy way, and you will feel balanced throughout the whole day! Especially if it’s Monday — a healthy Monday will set the tone for the whole week. A light workout, a short run, some yoga, a simple meditation with some breathing techniques — choose what suits you best today. Follow with a refreshing shower and a healthy balanced breakfast chock full of proteins and vitamins.

A healthy life rhythm

Fit girls know there’s time for exercise, time for work, and there’s time for rest. Everything should be balanced and one shouldn’t overpower the other. Make sure your work doesn’t take your precious resting time and that you don’t exercise too much so that you don’t have the energy for work. Always leave room for some free time when you don’t have anything planned at all — just go with the flow! It will really make you happy.

Drink plenty of water

Hydration is crucial to your health. Start your day with a glass of hot or warm water to kick start your digestion and boost metabolism. If you’re a heavy coffee drinker, try switching some of it with green tea and yummy herbal concoctions. Green tea can give you a small caffeine boost and flush out toxins, while herbal teas are full of vitamins and other nutrients that will improve your health.

Workout regularly

When it comes to the workout, it’s better to do it regularly for best results. Not only will you feel and look healthy, but you will also shed all those extra pounds that make you frown when looking in the mirror. It’s important to workout at least 5 days a week, and you can take one-day breaks here and there for a healthy balance of the workout and rest. To make things more interesting, incorporate different types of the workout — running, dancing, yoga or workout at a gym. This way you’ll never get bored and your body will get different types of exercises.

Avoid junk food

It’s a simple rule, but every fit girl follows it diligently. Processed foods and all kinds of junk food meals are unhealthy, period. There is always a yummy substitute for them that you can prepare at home yourself with ingredients of better quality. Eating no processed foods also means you digest less sugar, and that’s a huge benefit for all women who are trying to lose weight. If you don’t have a lot of time to cook for yourself and like to eat out during lunch, then opt for organic cafes or vegan and vegetarian restaurants that are usually more eco-friendly.


Go out for your cardio

The Workout doesn’t have to be sweaty in a gym — it’s much better to go out running, walking, hiking, or swimming outside. It gives you the opportunity to see new places and even meet new people if you take part in marathons or hiking expeditions. You can go to the mountains, forests, or even parks that you’ve never been to. It’s also a great way to explore your city by foot. Be adventurous with your cardio and your life will change for the better!

Eat healthy snacks

We all love snacks, especially when we’re late for our usual meal. Keeping some healthy snacks with you all the time is a good way to avoid eating unhealthy foods on a whim. You can have that burger with fries if you really want it, but only if it’s a conscious decision to eat something like that. In most cases you can deal with your cravings by eating some nuts, bananas or berries.

Control what you eat

Having a general eating plan is essential when you want to stay slim and healthy not just for a few weeks, but all the time. This carefully means thinking about what you want to eat and what is best to avoid. You might want to go for healthy carbs and protein and avoid eating too much sugar, especially the one that comes from processed foods. You might also want to eat more greens, fruits, berries, and fresh veggies. It depends on the type of workout you’re doing and on the rhythm of your life. But it’s important you take a conscious approach and build a healthy meal plan that really makes you happy.

Step out of your comfort zone

Whether it’s about trying a new type of workout or going for that dream job you never though was possible, it’s important to step out of your comfort zone. That’s when the real life starts! Our bodies can do much more than we realize, as well as our minds. Sometimes you need to try that one thing you thought was impossible to realize that you can actually do it and, in fact, you’re good at it! Be brave and fearless in all areas of your life and it will pay off with a life full of big and small adventures.

Surround yourself with fitness

A fit lifestyle starts inside your mind and then expands into all areas of your life. It may be hard to believe at first, but it’s true! If you’re only thinking about leading a healthier life, try reading about it first. Follow some inspiring fitness Instagrams, read some articles, invest in a bit of sportswear and make sure you put it on and try doing some exercises. There are plenty of apps that can help you start exercising in a fun and interesting way. You just need to start doing something! Even the smallest things matter.
