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Everything You Need to Know About Sugaring


There are many ways to get rid of unwanted hair out there. You can wax, shave, laser, thread, and many others. But today we’re going to talk about sugaring. It’s one of the most natural and least harmful ways of removing unwanted hair. It’s very popular all over the world and pretty much anyone can do it on most areas of your body. It’s also very cheap if you do it yourself because you can literally make the sugaring mixture with ingredients you already have at home. Here’s everything you need to know about sugaring.

 What Is Sugaring?

Sugaring is an ancient hair removal technique that goes back thousands of years. Technically even Cleopatra used sugaring to get rid of unwanted hair. It’s a very gentle and effective way of removing body hair. The sugaring paste is made up of three simple ingredients: sugar, water and lemon juice. It can be easily made at home or you can buy premade sugaring wax from various companies. It’s completely water-soluble, unlike wax. But just like wax it gets rid of hair by pulling it out by the root.

What Is Sugaring | Everything You Need to Know About Sugaring | Her Beauty

Types Of Sugaring Paste

There are two main kinds of sugaring pastes. Hard and soft. The hard one is thick but malleable, it’s used on its own. The soft one is more liquid and requires you to use a spatula to spread it and cloth strips to rip the hair out.

Types Of Sugaring Paste | Everything You Need to Know About Sugaring | Her Beauty

How Is It Different From Waxing?

The sugaring paste is made from natural ingredients and is hypoallergenic. It’s also more hygienic because there’s no double-dipping when using the thicker paste. Sugaring is also more gentle on the skin because the paste only adheres to the hair and not to the skin, so you can go over the same areas multiple times, unlike with wax, where you can only go over the same are once or you risk damaging your skin and causing bruises.


How Is It Different From Waxing | Everything You Need to Know About Sugaring | Her Beauty

How Does It Work?

When using the sugaring paste you just heat it up in a microwave a bit so it’s malleable but not hot to the touch, then grab a bit and form it into a ball. You then spread that ball of sugaring paste onto your skin going against the direction of the hair growth, leaving a tab to pull on. Hold your skin taut and pull in the direction of the limp, horizontally. You can use the same ball of sugaring paste a few times. It’s generally enough for one limb. When you’re done it’ll look a bit gross with all the hairs trapped in it. You throw it away and get a new bit of sugaring paste to continue. The minimal length of hair for sugaring is about 0,5 cm. Do not exfoliate before sugaring. The procedure itself is quite exfoliating on its own. It’ll remove hair and dead skin cells at the same time.

How Does It Work | Everything You Need to Know About Sugaring | Her Beauty

How Long Will the Results Last?

After sugaring, you will have at least 2 or 3 weeks of no regrowth. The hair was pulled out by the root, so it takes a while to grow back. Also, over time you will see less and less regrowth overall because some of the hair follicles will just stop growing hairs. The hairs that will grow back will become thinner and lighter with time.

How Long Will the Results Last | Everything You Need to Know About Sugaring | Her Beauty

What Areas Are Acceptable for Sugaring?

You can use sugaring to remove hair on almost all of your body. It’s perfect for arms, legs, stomach, back and even the bikini line. It’s also great for removing peach fuzz from your face. The only area we would not really recommend you do on your own is your eyebrows because it requires precision. You can even get a full Brazilian sugaring but we recommend you go to a professional for that.
