If you don’t love Ryan Reynolds you’re wrong. He’s a talented actor and an incredible human being. If you’ve ever seen any of his interviews you’ll know that he’s charming and funny and incredibly witty. He comes up with the most hilarious jokes on the spot and makes it look easy. So today is as good a day as any to tell you some fun facts about Ryan Raynolds. Don’t worry we’re not gonna bore you with topics like Ryan Reynolds age or how tall is Ryan Reynolds. The facts you’re about to read are way better and more interesting than that.
1. He was kicked out of high school for stealing a car. Except he didn’t really steal a car. He and his friends played an April Fool’s joke on one of his teachers by picking up his small Volkswagen and moving it a block away from where it was parked. But moving a car more than 10 feet is a felony in Canada, which he didn’t know at the time.

2. Ryan was trying to make Deadpool happen for 11 years. He sent borderline illegal letters that normally no one would even think of sending to heads of studios, it was a struggle, and he almost thought it would never happen but he didn’t give up. So when it happened he was beyond excited. He says he worked his butt off to make this movie as good as possible and as true to the comic as you possibly can. When he saw the suit for the first time he literally wept with joy.

3. Ryan Reynolds is the youngest of 4 brothers in his family and when they were kids, they were all up to no good. All of his brothers were kicked out of high school at some point, so by the time he got to high school he pretty much knew it was only a matter of time until they kicked him out too. Ryan Reynolds’ brothers definitely created a reputation that didn’t exactly garner good luck with the teachers. Now two of them work as policemen in British Columbia.

4. When he was 19 he was run over by a car. He broke a bunch of bones in his left side but thankfully he healed absolutely fine. The ironic thing about that accident is that he was out at a bar and had a couple of drinks, so he left his car and chose to be responsible and walk home, only to be hit but a drunk driver. Does he still wonder whether that guy ever says that he was hit by a drunk pedestrian?

5. Ryan Reynolds’ wife Blake Lively loves this particular apple pie that a shop in Vancouver makes, so Rayn smuggled it in his car across the border to the US. It’s illegal to bring in fruits and vegetables across the border. And as Ryan said in his interview on the Graham Norton show, he’s bad at lying, and the border control guy knew something was up so he made him sing a song. Ryan was so freaked that he did as he was told in hopes the guy won’t make him give up the pie. Thankfully both he and the pies made it into the US in one piece.

6. He once jumped off a bridge in Zurich and as he dove into the water he broke a vertebra in his back. It seems like Ryan is very prone to accidents and hurting himself yet it doesn’t stop him from trying dangerous things.

7. Young Ryan Reynolds did a lot of questionable things, one of which was dropping out of college at 19 and going to LA to pursue acting. He didn’t even tell his parents until he was already in LA. The funny thing is that he failed drama class but clearly that wasn’t something he was concerned about.

8. He attempted to get a skydiving licence with his friends. You’re probably thinking it’s not the best idea for someone as accident prone as Ryan. But surprisingly he did 12 jumps and they went great. It was the 13th that went wrong. His parachute wouldn’t open and he had to pull the reserve. Ryan says that it’s weird that when that happens to you, you don’t pull the reserve right away, it seems like time slows down and you really have to think about it, and kind of wait if maybe the parachute will open, because if you pull the reserve you’ve got nothing else left. But he did pull the reserve and since you can’t really steer it he ended up landing in an empty field next to a dead horse.

9. When Ryan was young he pierced his ears. When his brothers saw what he did they pierced their ears in solidarity too so that their dad wouldn’t get too angry at young Ryan. So as much as Ryan likes to talk about how hard it was to be the youngest of four brothers and how they liked to torture him for fun, his brothers clearly knew when to stand up for him too.

10. Ryan Reynolds is a pretty unique guy. He’s funny, he’s smart, he’s goofy and self-aware. He’s also quite good looking. So it’s no surprise that he was married twice. First, he married Scarlett Johanson in 2008 but they split up in 2011. Then in 2012, Blake Lively became Ryan Reynolds’ wife. They’ve been together since and some might even say it’s infuriating how perfect they are together. Both gorgeous and talented and insanely funny. They have two daughters together. Ryan Reynolds’ kids are called Inez Reynolds and James Reynolds.