You could say that Billie Eilish is an overnight sensation but she’s been writing songs since she was 11. Her first song Ocean Eyes did blow up almost overnight and landed her a record deal, but since then she has been growing in popularity with each day. Her voice is instantly recognizable, as is her style, and her sweet personality. Her album was number one in the US and UK, she’s touring the world and you can’t help but sing along to her music. Here are 9 awesome facts about Billie Eilish.
1. Sweet 17
Despite Billie Eilish’s age, she’s already famous all over the world and extremely successful in her career. She’s the first artist who was born in the 2000s to have a number one album in the US. She already performed at Coachella and Glastonbury. And she is the youngest female artist to have a number one album in the UK. Billie Eilish’s net worth is estimated at around $6 million and she’s only 17. Let that sink in.

2. She Started Young
Billie always loved singing. She was a part of a choir when she was little and she says that’s where she really learned how to sing correctly and in a way that won’t damage her voice. But she sang way before that too. She sang so much Billie Eilish’s parents would shush her sometimes. She even started writing her first songs when she was only 11.

3. Her Brother Is Her Best Friend
Most of us can barely stand our siblings for a couple of minutes, but Billie Eilish’s brother Finneas is not only her sibling, but he’s also her best friend and her partner in writing music. He helps her write songs. Sometimes he writes them for her, sometimes with her. He produced her whole album. Billie says she loves working with him because they just get each other and there’s no time wasted on being awkward and struggling to say something isn’t working in a polite manner. They’re just like “yeah that sucks, let’s move on”.

4. She Leaves Celebs On Read
Leaving someone on read is kinda rude, but we’ve all done it at some point. You know, sometimes you just forget to reply, other times to do it on purpose cause you’re mad at your friend. But none of us would dare to do that to an actual celeb. Well, Billie once left Shawn Mendez on read. He texted her and she didn’t reply.

5. Ocean Eyes Wasn’t Even Meant To Be For The Public
When Billie wrote Ocean Eyes, she just did it for a dance. She was 15, she loved dancing and she sent it to her choreography teacher and they were gonna create a dance for it. But everyone liked it so much they uploaded it to Soundcloud and Billie landed a record deal. Now that’s an overnight success out of the blue.

6. She’s A Style Queen
Billie is a short girl, she’s only 161 cm. Most of us shorties try to seem taller and wear things that accentuate our figure. But despite Billie Eilish’s height she always wears baggy clothes. And it’s intentional. First of all, she likes to stand out and wear funky stuff. And she also says that since she wears baggy things no-one can judge her figure because no one knows what she looks like under her clothes. It’s her body, her clothes, and no one else has a right to comment on it.

7. Billie Values Her Privacy
Everyone wants to know who she’s dating. You’ve probably googled “ Billie Eilish boyfriend” more times than you care to admit but nothing comes up. It’s all rumors. Billie’s very private about her love life. The only thing we know is that she had the biggest crush on Justin Bieber as a kid. But who is she with now – we won’t know until she decides to share it with the world.

8. She’s The Original Belieber
Speaking of Justin Bieber, Billie is his biggest fan and has been since she was 12. She says she not only loved him as an artist but she was just in love with him. She says that in her head it was true love and she used to imagine that he loves her too and they’re in a relationship. So when she met him for the first time at Coachella – to say she was in shock was an understatement.

9. Billie’s An Office Nerd
Billie Elish loves The Office. She says she’s seen in 12 times and she can quote any episode from it. She’s a self-proclaimed biggest fan of that show. She was even tested by one of the cast members, Rainn Wilson, and she did a great job guessing whose line it was and how the line went and answering trivia questions.