Laverne Cox has become a household name since she landed her role in critically acclaimed Netflix series “Orange Is the New Black”. She’s talented, she’s driven, she’s a passionate LGBT advocate and she’s blazing a trail for many transgender people with her career and success. She’s become “the first” in many ways and we look forward to seeing what other incredible things she will achieve in the future. Here are 9 facts you need to know about Laverne Cox.
1. Laverne Cox Before Fame
Laverne Cox was born and grew up in Mobile Alabama. Since a very young age, she knew she was meant to be a woman. She thought that when she grows up and goes through puberty she will become a woman. It was apparent to teachers in her school too, but they weren’t exactly supportive.

2. Laverne Cox’s School Years
School was a difficult time for Laverne. She was in 3d grade when her teacher called her mother and told her “Your son is going to end up in New Orleans wearing a dress if you don’t get him into therapy right away.” Her classmates weren’t much more understanding either, in fact, Laverne was only 11 when she attempted to take her own life by overdosing on pills because of the lack of understanding and bullying.

3. Laverne Cox’s Birth Name
Laverne is an openly transgender woman but she knows that it’s not all transgender people are as open about it because it’s not safe. The question of birth names is very close to her heart. It’s believed that it was her interview on deadnaming and what kind of negative and even dangerous impact that can have on transgender people that made IMDb change their policy and allow users to delete their birth names and instead only use their preferred name.

4. Laverne Cox’s Twin Brother
Cox has an identical twin brother known as M. Lamar. He’s a musician, but he also appeared on the show Orange Is the New Black. He played the pre-transition version of Laverne’s character Sophia Burset.

5. Laverne Cox Activism
Laverne is a passionate LGBT activist and apart from talking about important matters in her interviews and going to events, she also does lectures in many universities. She believes it’s important to educate people to eradicate the fear and misunderstanding that leads to hate and bullying.

6. Laverne Cox’s Age
Many people wonder how old is Laverne Cox. Well, she’s 47 years old. You never would’ve guessed that, right? She looks so much younger. But did you know that Laverne was already 40 when she got her breakthrough role on OITNB? She was thinking about quitting acting and doing something else when this audition came along and well, the rest is history.

7. Laverne Cox’s Height
Laverne is 1.8m tall or 5’11’’. Laverne used to study dance in University, specifically classical ballet before she transitioned to acting. We wonder if that dance training ever come in handy in her acting career. We would love to see Laverne do some ballet, we bet she’s still got the moves.

8. Laverne Cox’s Jobs
Did you know that Laverne Cox used to work in a restaurant at the Lower East Side in NY about a year before she got her first Emmy nomination? That’s right, even when she got the role on Orange Is the New Black she was still showing up for work in the restaurant. That’s how unexpected her success was even to her. Unexpected, sure, but truly deserved!

9. Laverne Cox Net Worth
Laverne’s net worth is about $2 million but we’re pretty sure it’s only going to grow. She’s so talented and she has so many awards that her career is only going to flourish. After all, she’s the first transgender woman to be featured on the cover of Time magazine, have a wax figure in Madame Tussaud’s museum and the first openly transgender woman to win an Emmy. That has to count for something when it comes to net worth, right?