Just like millions of others, Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez have put their lavish Italian wedding on hold because of the COVID-19 pandemic. They were planning to have their epic wedding this coming summer, but have postponed it for an unforeseen date, given the circumstances. It doesn’t help that their romantic destination of choice is pretty much the most infested country in Europe, with top global case numbers. The news was confirmed by Ellen DeGenerous, who Jennifer confided in. The couple are self-quarantining with their children Natasha (15), Ella (12), and J.lo’s 12-year-old twins Max and Emme.
Cancelling wedding plans
Sources say that the wedding was all pre-planned and pre-paid, which must have put a wrench in the perfectionist J.Lo’s beautiful plans. However, the gorgeous singer has been said that she wants to marry Rodriguez as soon as things go back to normal. The 50year-old still has her teenaged glow on her, and quarantine is treating the Latina just fine. Since the Superbowl, things have been going supremely well for this famous power couple.

A Call to IG
These two shared their own PSA of sorts on Instagram, giving a special shoutout to the frontline workers like nurses, doctors, and other hospital staff members working so hard around the clock. Currently, J.Lo and A-Rod are quarantined at home with their children.

What’s the rush?
J.Lo herself has admitted; what’s the rush? At first when they became an engaged couple, she wanted to get married as fast as possible. But since the two are in love and are focused on being together for the rest of their lives, they can focus on building their partnership and legacy rather than falling into that hopeless romantic mindset that can rush in, even for the most logical of us.
Although the couple has joked that they might get married on social media, we’re sure that when the real big day comes, it’ll be even more special for Lopez and her athlete boo.

A timeline of the relationship
A.Rod and J.Lo are one of our favorite love stories of all times. They met in the early 2000s, but the sparks really flew in 2017. Two years later, they were engaged on a beach vacation trip taken for their second anniversary. The breathtaking ring was blinding for those who saw on social media.
But here’s a story many fans are dying to know: the time that the actually reconnected in 2017. When Lopez saw him at a restaurant, she wanted to shout his name, but due to her shy nature, decided to tap him on the shoulder and say hello. She’s not quite sure what compelled her to do so, but if she had walked away instead, we would never know the extremely good-looking couple that is J-Rod. Of course, after she said hi, he asked her out to dinner, and luckily, she accepted.
Today, they have a vision that’s less of a fairytale romance, and more of a full and cohesive family unit – something that neither Alex nor Jennifer have ever felt that they had. Their goal is to embrace all their children and “ show them something that we didn’t have.” Either way, it looks like a fairy tale for us. They have fitness, their heritage, and much more in common – a match made in heaven!

How they’re keeping busy during quarantine
Even though she’s 50o, the “Jenny from the Block” singer is in no way slacking on social media trends. She and her hubby frequently participate with Tik Tok challenges, Instagram battles, and more. Recently, you may have seen them on IG Live alongside Diddy, doing a dance competition where profits were donated to frontline workers. J.Lo swished her hips to “Suavamente” alongside her fellow celebs as over 100k people watched on. That’s definitely the least awkward reuniting with an ex and current partner that we’ve ever seen.

Plans for the wedding, and the future
The happily engaged couple recently had a Zoom meeting with their teams to see what the next 12 months will look like, leaving room for several possibilities since everything is so up in the air. The couple is keeping things “fluid” as they think on their feet, but most importantly, be disciplined in the #stayhome movement. No details have been released on the Italy wedding, and we hope that Jen’ fourth time down the aisle is just as magical as the first.