If you think there’s a part of your body that can’t be pierced and embellished – you’re wrong! There’s literally nothing you can’t do if you feel it will make you more beautiful, piercing being one of the oldest and easiest ways to achieve just that. I’m not going to talk about something fancy or punk-looking, but there is a trend that looks more interesting than your usual lobe ear piercing – that’s daith piercing! Located in a bit of a hard to reach spot of your ear, it looks elegant and unique. But it is more than just a decoration! Here are 8 facts that will make you want to get one.
Where is the daith, exactly?
That flap of cartilage located above the passageway of your ear – that’s the spot. As easy as it is to find it, piercing it is considered a challenging task. Depending on the thickness of your cartilage and the level of your pain tolerance, you might want to get yourself a professional piercer with years of experience.

Daith Piercing Healing and Aftercare
I won’t lie, this type of piercing takes a lot of time to heal and I’m talking months here, depending on the complications and your ability to follow the aftercare rules and clean the wound religiously every day. It may take from 4 to 12 months to fully heal! Remember not to sleep or put any pressure on the piercing for at least 6 weeks.

Daith Piercing Jewelry
Daith piercing isn’t popular for no reason – it looks very special! At first you’ll have to wear a standard barbell type of jewelry until the healing process ends, but afterwards you have more than a few cool-looking options.
Curved barbell or a captive bead ring are among the more popular options that offer a simple design with beads peeking out of the pierced part of the ear. While easy to wear, this design may get lost if you sport lots of different piercings on your ear.

Clicker rings is probably the first thing you’ll want to try when your piercing heals. The designs range from elegant simple ones to elaborate ornamented pieces that will look like nothing you’ve ever worn on your ear before.

You may opt for a seamless hoop if you don’t want to go overboard with your daith piercing jewelry, yet want to point it out. This type of jewelry works especially good if you have other cartilage piercings.

Can daith piercing cure migraine?
Many consider daith piercing a potent cure for migraine, reason being that the human ear is packed with acupuncture points that can influence your well-being. Apparently, daith piercing accesses the point responsible for migraine and headache, and whatever little research has been done on the topic kind of supports that fact. I say kind of because there’s this thing called a ‘placebo effect’ which happens when people get relief from symptoms even if the cure isn’t potent, so until there’s serious neurological research done no one can say for sure whether daith piercing helps with migraines or not. Many people swear it does, though, so it’s definitely worth a try!

Daith piercing and anxiety
Once again, there’s no clinical research supporting the idea that anxiety can be treated with daith piercing. Yet, acupuncture has been effective in treating anxiety and panic attacks, and it uses roughly the same spot to stimulate the vagus nerve, which is said to be responsible for depression, epilepsy, and possibly other conditions, including anxiety. Yes, it’s all a bit vague, but despite the lack of data many people undergo the procedure just to see if it works for them or no.

Weight loss is a myth (almost)
Okay, we’re treading into the acupuncture territory here, but mind one thing – piercing is not actually acupuncture! Even if the piercer miraculously hits the right spot (there’s around 100 of them in your ear) you will get a short-lived effect, which will most likely disappear soon. Acupuncture experts say it might even get worse later. Other than that, there are acupoints in your ear that indeed can supress appetite, reduce stress, and even reduce cravings for sugar. You’ll have to consult a specialist about those!