≡ 10 Health Benefits of Matcha Green Tea 》 Her Beauty

10 Health Benefits of Matcha Green Tea


Matcha green tea has become one of the latest health trends, but its origin dates back almost thousands of years. Matcha tea originated in China, and has long been known for its immense health benefits. Matcha is the superfood form of green tea, with one cup of matcha producing the benefits of three regular cups of green tea. From shots to desserts, to lattes and detox drinks, there are several ways to consume this deliciously nutritious tea. To truly understand how amazing this tea is, check out these top 10 health benefits of matcha green tea.

Energy boost

Matcha is a great source of l-theanine and caffeine, providing a surge of energy without the jitters or nervousness of other caffeinated drinks.

Increased brain function

L-theanine is also beneficial for improved concentration and focus. It helps boost the brain’s production of alpha waves, which increases mental alertness and clarity. Studies on Matcha have also shown that it can improve memory, attention, and reaction time.

Source of antioxidants

The ORAC (Oxygyn Radical Absorption Capacity) test measures the antioxidant levels in food. According to this test, Matcha green tea contains 1384 units per gram, which is the highest level of any leading superfood.

Calorie burner

Matcha is a great supplement to add to your weight loss regimen. Matcha uses fat as an energy source for working out, and naturally increases your metabolism.

Increase weight loss

Because of its calorie burning abilities, many have shed body fat when drinking Matcha tea on a consistent basis. Matcha also helps shed weight because of its EGCg (epigallocatechin gallate), which works to increase the hormone responsible for feeling full: CCK (cholecystokinin).


Liver Protection

Studies have shown that Matcha tea can reduce enzymes in the liver, which can cause liver damage. Other studies also suggest that Matcha green tea can reduce risks of liver disease and aid damage prevention.

Immune system boost

The EGCg in Matcha also helps to strengthen the immune system and protects against virus injections. EGCg fortifies cells to stop the growth of various ailments, such as influenza A virus, strep throat, and hepatitis.

Better skin care

Matcha can be used for several healing properties for skin, including anti aging, reduced rosacea and redness, decreased acne, exfoliation, increased skin elasticity, and more. These benefits can be achieved from consuming hot Matcha green tea, or through DIY face masks.

Detoxifying properties

The shading technique used to grow Matcha gives it extremely high levels of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll can help detox the body by naturally removing heavy metals and chemicals from the body. Matcha can be easily added to DIY detox drinks.

Improved joint health

Studies suggest that Matcha can also reduce effects of arthritis and joint pain. Drinking green tea consistently has also been shown to maintain cartilage and bone strength. The polyphenols in green tea are said to have anti-inflammatory properties, and can block molecules harmful to individuals with rheumatoid arthritis. It has also been suggested that Matcha can be beneficial in preventing the onset and potential intensity of arthritis.
