You know him as a rapper, a musician, an artist. He’s Kylie’s bae and together they are one of the most influential couples in showbiz. You know his music, you know his live shows are the bomb, but do you know anything about his life? It’s full of very unusual and at times random situations. If they weren’t actually true you’d think he made them up. Here are a few amusing facts about Travis Scott we bet you didn’t know.
1. Travis Scott Isn’t His Real Name
His actual name is Jacques Webster. But his stage name isn’t random. He chose it because of his uncle.

2. He Dropped Out Of College
Travis was in his sophomore year at the University of Texas when he decided to drop out and pursue his dream of becoming a rapper. According to Travis, every day at university was depressing for him. He just knew it wasn’t right, it’s not what he wanted to do with his life. He wanted to be an artist. He wanted to make music, put out an album, he wanted to be on MTV, he wanted to make the best video of the year.

3. Travis Scott Comes From A Talented Family
It’s not exactly surprising Travis became a musician. He comes from a musical background. His whole family has a history with music. His grandfather has a masters in music composition. His father was a musician too, he played soul music. His father’s father played the piano and drums. So it looks like in a way Travis is following in their footsteps.

4. He Started Playing Instruments At A Young Age
Travis Scott was only about 3 years old when he started playing the drums. Later on, he moved on to learning how to play the piano. However, he then abandoned the piano because he realised it wasn’t getting him popular with the girls. He realised that the way to get girls was to make electronic music so he started doing that.

5. Kanye West Gave Him A Taco
Travis is signed to Kanye’s label and he really thinks of him as a step-dad. But the first time he met Kanye was kind of funny. Kanye offered him a Doritos taco from Taco Bell on a fancy platter. Travis was so in awe of meeting Kanye that he ate the taco even though he doesn’t eat sour cream and he thought it was disgusting. But he got a chance to play his music to Kanye and it was worth it.

6. Travis Scott Used To Date Rihanna
That’s right, back in 2015 they were seen together a lot. The rumor has it they actually dated for about 6 months before Rihanna started seeing Drake. At the time Travis used to call Rihanna his muse. Wonder if he says the same thing to Kayli nowadays.

7. Travis Likes Big Gestures
For Kylie’s 20th birthday he hired an orchestra to come and perform for her on her special day. They have matching tattoos. His nickname for Kylie is “butterfly” so he gave her a massive chain with butterflies on it as a gift. And he’s got a hit song “Butterfly Effect” which is also a reference to Kylie too.

8. Travis Scott Loves Kid Cudi
He’s mentioned it in multiple interviews, Travis just loves Kid Cudi. He just thinks Cudi is the ultimate rapper and there’s no one better in his eyes. Travis says Cudi’s rap has an edge to it and “he’s the realest rapper”. Travis even admitted that he cried the first time he met Kid Cudi. That’s how much Kid Cudi means to him.

9. He Hates Labels
Travis Scott is great at making music but he refuses to put himself in a box and categorize it by genre. Many would call him a hip-hop artist but he denies that. If you listen to his music you’ll hear that he has a very ambient sound that’s just his, some have called is syncretic. But Travis is above labels he’s just an artist.

10. Travis Scott Has A Soft Spot For Broadway
It might be a surprise for you but Travis Scott loves Broadway. He describes himself as a diehard fan. He even mentioned that he was considering producing an album of show tunes covers. And the big dream for his is to write his own theatrical musical. Imagine seeing Travis Scott’s musical on Broadway!