We’ve all seen Ben Affleck really transform in the past year. It seemed like his relationship with Deep Water co-star Ana de Armas was a positive influence in his life. The two have been dating for just under a year and weren’t shy about it.

We’ve all seen multiple paparazzi photos of them going for walks together, holding hands, kissing, looking incredibly happy together, etc. Ana de Armas even moved in with Ben in LA, so that they could quarantine together, and put up her house for sale. So naturally, we were shocked to hear the two have broken up. How did this happen and why?

This breakup is truly unexpected, no one saw it coming. Their relationship was moving at a quick pace and it seemed like it was going to last. They didn’t hide from paparazzi, they always seemed happy around each other and their public displays of affection had us all swooning. Ana even met Ben’s kids (which is a hugely important step in a relationship) and was getting along with them well. And she even joined Ben on a trip with his mother.

The rumor has it, they broke up because they wanted different things. Ana wasn’t ready to settle down in LA and Ben had to be based in LA since that’s where his kids are. Another reason for their breakup might be because Ana’s career is just taking off, she’s got so many things ahead of her (including travel), that settling down with Ben right now would only slow her down. Some say that Ana also wants kids of her own and Ben Affleck already has enough kids and doesn’t want any more. All of these could be a potential factor in their breakup.

However, sources close to them say it’s an amicable breakup, they still love each other, they just realize they’re at different points in their life right now. Some even believe that this breakup will be short-lived and Ben and Ana will get back together.

In the meantime, Ana de Armas got a new haircut, a classic “end of relationship” move. And a gardener has been seen throwing out a life-sized cardboard cutout of Ana de Armas into Ben’s trash. The same one Ben’s kids used to prank him back in the summer. If that’s not a sign that they’re over, at least for now, we don’t know what is.