It’s like the end of an era or something. No more Kimye? How will we cope? By reading up on the latest rumors and scrutinizing their divorce, obviously. Kim and Kanye were always a very high-profile couple, and it seemed like throughout the 6 years of their marriage they were always in the news. Be it Kim’s new company or Kanye’s new collection or weird tweets, or even him attempting to run for president. There was never a dull moment with these two. But alas, all things come to an end, and Kim has filed for divorce.

Weirdly enough, there isn’t a huge scandal, no one did anything, no cheating as far as we can tell. Apparently, they just grew apart. Everyone was very intrigued when Kim Kardashian hired Laura Wasser, we almost expected there to be some sort of legal battle, but turns out the split was very amicable. Kim and Kanye agreed to joint custody of their kids, and also quietly came to an arrangement in terms of splitting their assets.

The only thing that feels slightly strange is that they’re not really on speaking terms and are communicating through their lawyers and their security. Kanye has cut off communication with Kim even before she filed for divorce. He changed his phone number and basically told her that she can reach him through his security if she needs to. He does communicate with the kids and arranges get-togethers and sleepovers for them.

Kanye has been spending a lot of time in Wyoming in 2020, so the kids are used to them not living together. They don’t quite understand what’s happening and aren’t fully aware of the divorce, but apparently, it won’t really be a huge change for them either way. Both Kris and Caitlyn have said that they want what’s best for Kim and that she seems to be doing fine, just feeling very protective of her kids. Kris Jenner said that the silver lining in this whole situation is that they’re very loving and supportive as a family and can get through anything together. Kids are the biggest priority in this whole divorce, both for Kim and Kanye. No matter what happens, they agree on one thing and that’s kids.

There are contradictory rumors about Kanye and his attitude towards the divorce. Some say that he didn’t want it to happen and is sad about it but knows that ultimately it’s for the best. Others say he’s in complete denial and thinks that Kim filing for divorce is a bluff and it won’t actually happen. Knowing Kanye and his mood swings and mental health struggles we kind of expect it’s a bit of both.

Kim, on the other hand, has spoken about how challenging 2020 has been and that she sees it as a big cleanse and an opportunity for a fresh start. She said she wants to cleanse her life of things that don’t make her happy. Kim also shared that spending a lot of time with her kids and her family has been great for her and it keeps her feeling happy. She hasn’t, however, spoken about the divorce. Many suspect the reason she’s keeping it shush is the next season of Keeping Up With The Kardashians. We can only hope that they reveal all the details in the season finale.