Everyone has a different relationship with their parents, but we all have a soft spot for seeing dads take care of their little daughters. There’s just something so sweet and adorable in watching them learn to interact with their little girls, learn how to braid their hair, let them paint their nails and practice makeup on their daddy. And every daddy’s girl knows that there’s nothing in the world that can compare to the love and protection you feel from a loving father.
Ukrainian illustrator Snezhana Soosh, who goes by vskafandre on Instagram, depicts the most heartwarming moments between father and daughter that will either make you think back to your childhood or make you wish you had something like that. You’d think Soosh draws inspiration from her own childhood but turns out that’s not exactly the case.

In her interview with Huffington Post Soosh says: “I always wanted to have a tender and loving relationship with my own father, but he didn’t know how to show his love so most of the time was distant and cold. I was observing other fathers with their daughters and so loved each tender moment they had together. I think I drew what I lacked and very much wanted – to feel loved and protected by my big papa.”

She also draws inspiration from her own relationship with her son Frol. She homeschools him so they spend a lot of time together so sometimes she just paints what they do together but replaces it with her characters of a little girl and a big father. Soosh says Frol is always the first one to see her illustrations and tell her what he thinks. She hopes that seeing these drawings will make him grow up a good man and someday become a great loving father to his own kids.

Here are just a few of her adorable illustrations:
It’s cute how kids are so small but require so much space.

Make my hair all pretty, dad. I’m gonna be a ballerina.

I don’t remember the rules, how’s that for a checkmate.

Dads make the best puppet theatre performers. All the voices sound a bit similar but it’s hilarious.

Even the best superheroes need some sleep

They grow up so fast but you’ll have those marks on the door forever.

Yeah, how does that feel? Not painful at all, is it, dad?

You can read your newspaper in peace but only if I can use you as a mattress.

Listen, neither of us wanted this, but sometimes you gotta go to work.

Let’s make a mud cake. No, wait, a pretty unicorn cake. No, wait, can we have rainbow sprinkles and jelly warms at the same time?

Big moose, little moose.