We all know Maisie Williams best from her portrayal of Arya in the hit show Game of Thrones. But considering she was only 12 when she landed the role and the show went on for almost a decade – we definitely watched her grow up on the screen. She also changed and grew from a tiny 12-year old into a teenager and then into a beautiful and confident woman. She also went through quite a style transformation, having developed her own sense of fashion and style. So let’s talk about the stunning transformation of Maisie Williams.
1. The first days on the set of GOT were very exciting for Maisie. Did you know she didn’t even take the audition for the show seriously at first? She just did it cause her friends were doing it too. She was way too busy thinking about not getting a role in Nanny McPhee to care about GOT auditions.

2. But from the more callbacks she got the more excited she got. Her first audition in London was when she knew for sure she wanted to play Arya and it had to be her role. She really sank her teeth into the character and what do you know? She got it.

3. From the first day, she found a lifelong friend on the set of GOT. Maisie and Sophie Turner just got along so well it was clear they’re going to be BFFs. And as we know, they remain super close friends to this day.

4. First red carpets and premieres for Maisie must’ve been hard. She was around 14 and at that time most teens only have to think about what to wear to a school dance, not a red carpet where photographers will take photos of you and the whole world will see them. There was a lot of trial and error with more controversial short dresses and some age-appropriate outfits.

5. It seems like Maisie was on a mission to find herself. She tried short dresses with v-necks and longer ones with a collar too.

6. She gave chic cute dresses a go for premieres too. We all thought she really looked stunning in those. So polished, so professional, so beautiful and mature for her age yet fresh-faced and cute.

7. While her personal style was evolving Maisie gave feminine long dresses a chance on the red carpet too.

8. This is where we start to see Maisie’s sassiness start to really come out and show in her fashion sense.

9. Her red carpet looks started looking more unique and unusual, we love the details and the accessories that really set her style apart here.

10. Maisie wasn’t afraid to venture out into the world of fashion and pioneer some new stylish looks. Both for photoshoots and in real life. She’s always up for experiments.

11. Classy, vintage-inspired and a little gothic looks suited her very well. That hairdo and a dark lip definitely agreed with her complexion.

12. While she was working on GOT Maisie had to keep her hair looking natural. Arya can’t just rock pink hair. But once the filming wrapped Maisie started experimenting with bright hair colors.

13. Her style also began changing and becoming unique only to Maisie, it seems like she was finally zeroing in on her own look.

14. We loved Maisie’s purple-haired days. We thought that color really suited her a lot and she looked so happy with it. And she did mention in interviews that dying her hair essentially meant she wasn’t working so she would do that when she wanted a break.

15. Maisie and her boyfriend really got on a whole new level with their style when they attended the fashion week. The matching outfits and makeup looked so quirky and cool.

16. Over the years we really saw Maisie grow and mature and transform. She became more confident both in her opinions and her fashion sense and style and we can’t wait to see what else she’s got up her sleeve.