There are regular handbags and then there are legendary ones. Those designer models that have become the standard of style and are worth a fortune. People queue for them in long lines, buy knock-offs if they can’t afford the real ones, many women dream of them. These luxurious bags are both practical and stylish. Women who have a cult bag like one of these in their collection can easily emphasize their status in society and showcase their impeccable taste and style. In the list below we present to you ten iconic bags, from world-renowned fashion houses, that have managed to remain a classic for decades.
Noe by Louis Vuitton
Designers at Louis Vuitton have created a huge number of women’s handbags that have become legendary. Alma, Speedy, Neverfull – each of these was a hit. But in 1932 the Noe model was designed at the request of one of the champagne producers and what an iconic masterpiece it became. The main aspects taken into consideration when designing this bag were sturdiness and style, because the idea was to fit at least five bottles of wine inside the bag. It quickly became a Louis Vuitton classic.
The Birkin Bag by Hermes
The Birkin bag is an exclusive luxury accessory released by Hermes in 1984. It’s rumored that this bag design came about when the head of Hermes was travelling with 80’s style icon and celebrity Jane Birkin and they got talking about how hard it is to find a convenient bag. Apparently that resulted in the Birkin Bag coming out two years later and the way that bag looks hasn’t changed since. What can we say, it’s a classic.
Le Pliage by Longchamp
Philippe Cassegrain, son of Jean Cassegrain founder of the French fashionable empire Longchamp became fascinated by the art of origami while traveling through Japan. When he returned he decided to use the origami technique to create a bag. That led to the creation of Le Pliage in the 70s. Straight lines, sharp corners and the ability to transform to the size of a wallet made it truly unique. And it’s been popular with the fashionistas ever since.
Kelly by Hermes
The story of this bag began in the 1930s. At that point it was called something different. But once Grace Kelly the Princess of Monaco made it an integral part of her style it became inevitable. One time she was even photographed trying to cover her baby bump with this bag. It became insanely popular then and was renamed Kelly in her honor.
Jackie O by Gucci
This famous bag was released back in 1940 but it only became a cult classic in the 60s. Former first lady Jacqueline Kennedy was the one who really made it popular and that’s why it’s named after her. Gucci’s Jackie O is known for its trapezoidal shape, a short strap, soft contours and a large clasp.
Lady Dior
Lady Dior is another legendary handbag from the French fashion house Christian Dior. It was first made in 1995, but at the time it was called Chouchou and was intended exclusively for the first ladies. Madame Chirac, the wife of the President of France at the time, was the first owner of this bag, way before it went on sale. That already created some of the hype for the bag, but once Madame Chirac presented one to Princess Diana the bag became a classic and is still seen as must have for many.
Veneta Hobo by Bottega Veneta
The Italian fashionable empire Bottega Veneta achieved its global popularity by making great handbags. The Knot clutch, CabatTote, Veneta Hobo are three of their true classics. The creative director of the brand claims that he always like the idea of creating a bag that could become a continuation of the female body. Veneta Hobo is just that. The soft rounded sides, a short strap and a good size make this bag comfortable, practical and convenient, yet it exudes subtle sophistication. It’s a perfect everyday bag for a woman on the go.
2.55 by Chanel
For a long time bags were carried in one’s hands or on one’s arm, which we can all agree isn’t very convenient. However, 1955 was a turning point for handbag fashion. In February of that year Coco Chanel introduced the model 2.55, which had a chain that allowed to wear the bag on one’s shoulder or across one’s body. The name 2.55 is a reference to the date when the bag was created.
Baguette by Fendi
In the late 90s, Silvia Fendi, the heiress of the Italian fashion house Fendi, decided to create a bag that would easily fit under her arm. And she succeeded. This little bag named Baguette easily fits under the arm, just like a French baguette.
D-bag by Tod’s
This is possibly the most iconic of the classic women’s handbags. Created in 1997, the D-bag by Tod’s is named after Princess Diana who always took a beige square shaped bag with her when she was travelling. And it makes sense that it became a classic, it really goes with anything and everything and is perfect for any occasion.