As one of the most nutritious foods on Earth, salmon is packed with many health benefits. Salmon is so powerful that it can even reduce the risk of several diseases. It’s versatility and delicious taste makes it an easy addition to incorporate into your standard diet. If you are looking for a new variety of fish to add to your weekly or monthly meal prep, check out these 7 amazing health benefits of salmon.
Great source of Omega-3
Salmon is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, including EPA and DHA. In just one 3.5 ounce portion of wild caught salmon, you benefit from 2.3 grams of omega-3 fatty acids. DHA and EPA omega-3 fatty acids have been linked to reduced risk of cancer, decreased inflammation and blood pressure, and improved cell function.

Packed with protein
Just as important as omega-3’s is protein, and salmon is a great source of it as well. Protein can aid the body in healing after injuries, maintaining muscle mass and increasing bone health. Its recommended that each meal of the day should contain at least 20 grams of protein, which is provided by a standard serving of salmon.

May manages weight control
Because of its high protein content, salmon can even help manage your weight. High protein foods can control the hormones that regulate your appetite. More salmon can make you feel more full, and also increase your metabolism. Fatty fish has also been directly linked to reduced belly fat in people who are overweight.

Protects brain health
Research is now suggesting salmon can even improve your brain health. Fish oil and fatty fish may have the potential to decrease depression and anxiety, reduce risks of dementia and slow memory loss related to age. Recent studies have shown that consuming fatty fish twice a week can slow age-related memory loss by up to 13%.

High in potassium
Wild salmon contains 18% of the recommended daily intake of potassium. In fact, salmon has more potassium than a banana, which only contains 10% of the recommended daily amount. Potassium can control blood pressure, reduce risk of stroke, and decreased water retention.

Contains important antioxidants
Astaxanthin, which gives salmon the red pigment its known for, is an antioxidant that has the potential to reduce heart disease by increasing good cholesterol levels and decreasing bad cholesterol. This antioxidant compound is believed to work in tandem with the omega-3 fatty acids in salmon to safeguard the brain and nervous systems. Additionally, astaxanthin has been shown to have skin-related benefits as well. A study revealed that this antioxidant can improve skin elasticity and overall skin hydration, with a possibility to even repair damaged skin.

Low in fat
One standard serving of salmon is only about 200 calories. For a fatty fish, salmon has a very low amount of calories, and is very low in saturated fats, while still maintaining high levels of nutrients. This means you can consume more salmon, guilt-free, while reaping the many health benefits this delicious fish comes with.