Do you ever feel jealous of people who can draw? It’s just such an admirable skill. Whether you draw from memory, from nature or just make stuff up and then put it on paper, it seems magical to me. It’s especially impressive when people can draw incredibly intricate sketches in a matter of minutes. How do they do this? That’s a question I’d like to ask of Mariela Luis of @marielART.
This incredibly talented girl uses her own body as a canvas and does the most amazing sketches of historical buildings in detail and in her own style. Sketching the Westminster Abbey on your thigh? – She’s done it. The Notre Dame on her arm? – Yup, no problem. We’re pretty sure she could do the Sistine Chapel like it’s a piece of cake. And the most incredible thing is that it only takes her like 10 minutes per sketch.
1. Walter Scott Monument in Edinburgh. Did you know it’s so tall it’s hard to fit it into a photo? Well, this girl managed to fit it perfectly on someone’s back.

2. Notre-Dame de Reims or better known as Reims Cathedral might remind you of Notre Dame de Paris, but rest assured it’s a whole other beautiful French cathedral.

3. The full glory of Roman Colosseum but done in ballpoint on one’s arm. How cool is that?

4. Hagia Sophia in Istanbul almost looks better drawn on her thigh than it does in real life.

5. Yup, that looks spot on like the Saint Mark’s Basilica in Venice, Italy. How talented is this girl, am I right?

6. I don’t know if you’ve ever tried drawing the L’Épine, La Basilique de Notre-Dame on your arm, but it can’t be easy.

7. Just look at how intricate and mesmerizing these sketches are. Kind of makes you want one as a tattoo, doesn’t it? Imagine a gothic architecture sleeve tattoo.

8. Sometimes Mariel likes to play with color and textures and we think it looks even more awesome in red.

9. How the hell did she draw the second half of the Westminster Abbey with her left hand?

10. St. Patrick‘s Cathedral in NY is another one of those masterpieces of architecture that you can’t quite comprehend but hey, Mariel can draw anything.

11. Ulm Minster in Germany is a Lutheran church that will intimidate you with its size and style, but you can’t intimidate Mariel, she just easily sketches that on her arm.

12. Let’s play a game now. Can you guess what these buildings are?