Some of us are bad at flirting, while others don’t know how to properly perceive the signs of someone else flirting with you. Lots of people are flirted with, but misread signals and just think that the other person is being nice. Recognizing the signs of flirting is important, whether you’re looking for love or just want to avoid giving off the wrong signals. Why miss the opportunity to connect with your potential soulmate? Here are all the universal signs that you’re being flirted with.
1. Longer eye contact than usual
If someone is looking at you with prolonged eye contact, it’s a sign that they’re flirting with you and find you attractive. Science says that people who gaze into your eyes are likely to have feelings of affection or attraction afterward.

2. Playing with their clothing
There are many nonverbal ways to indicate romantic interest. One of them is when the flirter starts toying around with a button or sleeve. Women do it with their hair all the time, along with batting eyelashes. When we’re interested in someone, we playfully fidget.

3. They tease you or awkwardly compliment you
Neither of these are sweep-you-off-your-feet moves, but if someone is jokingly picking on you (not in a disrespectful manner, of course) they might be into you! A backhanded compliment or light teasing is a way to test the waters and your reaction. Just make sure you’re not being bullied or put down.

4. They find a way to touch you during a conversation
Come on – we all know that arm graze or “accidental” bump. The hand over the popcorn moment. If you’re seated, the person might lightly touch your arm or brush your feet. This form of body language actually sends signals of attraction to your brain.

5. Lots of brief glances
Staring deeply into each other’s eyes isn’t the only kind of eye contact to indicate interest. If you’re getting lots of brief glances, it means you’re constantly catching their eye and they can’t resist looking back. It could be a coincidence, but that’s unlikely. Once you do lock eyes, it could be electric.

6. They exhibit nervous behavior
Does this person’s behavior change when you’re around? If they don’t flirt directly, you can recognize signs in certain actions. Does the person clam up or laugh more? Do they talk more or touch more? If their changes in behavior line up with these nervous moves, you might just take their breath away.

7. They always like your social media pics first
A like doesn’t always mean that they’re head-over-heels for you, but in this day and age, it’s a pretty good indication that you’re on someone’s mind. Social media is a safer place to give attention without directly interacting with your crush, so if they’re always liking or commenting on posts, especially with the right emojis, they’re interested.

8. They’re in the moment
If they’re relaxed and in the moment, it’s a sign they enjoy spending time with you and could be into you. If someone doesn’t check their phone, look at their watch, or have a wandering eye around the room, it’s a positive sign. It means they genuinely want to learn more about you.

9. They always laugh at your jokes
A good way to tell: if the rest of the group you’re with isn’t bending over with gut-splitting laughter but one person is, they’re flirting. If they’re crushing, they’ll always hear what you say, and show appreciation or indicate that they’re listening. Take note of whether they frequently respond to you with smiles, laughs, or giggles.

10. Moving closer to you
This is another flirty body language that’s frequently ignored. Generally, people only try to get closer to people they like, and if someone is trying to get physically close to you, it means they’re interested in being more than just friends. Another pro tip: pay attention and see if their feet are pointed in your direction.

11. They get deep in conversation topics
If you want to remain friendly with someone, you’ll probably exchange some polite words and small talks, maybe about the weather or what movies are out. But if someone is flirting, you’ll notice that they ask more personal questions and speak with more insight, along with asking your opinion on topics. They’re basically seeing if you fit into their lifestyle, and going deeper than the surface is an indicator that they want to be more than friends.