No matter how confident we all may be, it’s human nature to succumb to insecurities about our physical appearances. Media and society’s impossible beauty standards can leave the most attractive person feeling like they aren’t good enough. And the truth is, we are all attractive in our own unique ways. It is likely that the thing you like least about yourself that someone else finds highly attractive. As we continue to grow into our self confidence, it can be hard to realize our unique beauty and let go of grade school teasing, catty insults, or rude partners from our past. To know if you might be unaware of your current beauty, check out these 7 signs that you’re prettier than you believe.
People give you compliments begrudgingly
Nothing spells out how amazing you are more than someone throwing a little shade in the form of a compliment. If you commonly get compliments like, “You look great, as usual,” or “It must be so easy having your looks,” then this actually means you are doing something right.

People commonly notice when you walk into a room
If you catch people eyeing you when you walk by them, this is an indicator that you have a presence that attracts people. Turning heads when you enter a room can mean that you are have a physical and internal aura that attracts people.

Your personal space is often invaded
Even though it’s never cool to have someone in your personal space, this happening frequently is an indication that many people are attracted to you. Your good energy and personality could be so radiant that other people just can’t seem to resist getting close to you.

It surprises people that you have issues
Many people just assume that an individual they find attractive has less problems. They may be surprised if you reveal to them that you have self-esteem issues, or sometimes like confidence.

People are either really nice or really mean to you
Depending on the journey of other people, you may find that you are treated with extreme kindness or extreme rudeness. This is because some are positively attracted to an attractive person, while others are intimidated and react with negativity.

You’re almost never totally single
If you are a serial monogamist or are frequently shown interest, this is most likely not by chance. It is harder to stay single if someone is always trying to gain your attention, or get into a relationship with you. This is a clear indication that many people find you attractive.

You actually like who you are becoming
Self love is really the best love. Truly liking who you are regardless of the flaws is one of the most attractive qualities a person can possess. People can feel when you carry yourself with confidence, and that makes a person irresistible. So if you are in a good place and you’re really feeling yourself, there’s a high probability that other people think you’re dope too.