As COVID-19 slowly begins to affect all of us, many people around the world are finding themselves transitioning from office life to working from home. While doing conferences in your sweatpants can be fun, it’s easy to procrastinate when you’re at home – especially when we’re all anxious and stressed about the state of the world around us. Additionally, it can be hard to set work life and personal life boundaries to achieve that perfect balance. Here are some tips from the pros that have been doing it every day for a while.
Tag: Covid19
Rihanna Gives $5 Million To Fight COVID 19
In the worldwide pandemic, even celebrities are getting worried and trying their best to help out the only way they can — either by giving their time or money.
Reasons Why The Coronavirus Is No Joke, Even If You’re Young
Recently, information came to light that young people are also at serious risk if they contract the disease – this epidemic isn’t a joke, and here’s the biggest reasons why.