Summer is the time to go light with your food, drinks, and lifestyle in general. The abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables allows you to shed some unwanted pounds, all the while consuming vitamins, minerals, and fiber that keeps you satiated for a long time. This list is not about your usual smoothies and fruit juices, it’s more of a unique summer diet tips collection you’ve never even thought of trying. It’s time to try something different!
Veggie popsicles
Vegetables are packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants that fight off inflammation, and a number of other micro-nutrients that keep our bodies young, strong, and healthy. You can consume veggies in a traditional way, but for summers it’s cool to experience vegetables in a different, more freshening style. Make veggie popsicles from the classical mix of juices – ABC (Apple, Beetroot, Carrot) or go for a super light cucumber, mint, and lime mixture.

Cherry and ginger detox drink
We’re used to eating cherries as they are, just popping them one by one into our mouths. It might very well be the perfect way to enjoy them, but if you want to rip all of cherries’ benefits, combine them with fresh ginger. Being a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, cherry will improve your skin health, help shed some unwanted pounds, and become a happier person due to the compound called melatonin. Ginger only boosts those wonderful qualities!

Add carrots to your diet
It’s useful to remind ourselves just how awesome carrots are! These modest veggies with only a bit of taste are hiding incredible amounts of beta-carotene, which is responsible for eyes’ health and good eyesight. Carrots are neutral, so you can add them to a number of dishes from sweet savory desserts, to soups, smoothies, and cakes.

Green tea with a summery spin
It’s not a secret that green tea is the best drink for summer. It detoxifies your body, helps flush out toxins, rejuvenates your whole system and gives it a necessary boost throughout the day. While there are plenty of green tea flavors out there, it’s best if you brew your own green tea, adding whatever natural ingredients you feel like. For a summer spin, add a few mint leaves, fresh or dried, right when your tea is almost ready. It will create a cooling effect we are all craving so much in summer.

Cabbage juice for glowing skin
Cabbage is probably the last vegetable you’d think of when craving a fresh juice. Nevertheless, its benefits are incredible. This cruciferous vegetable is packed with fiber (that promotes weight-loss) and vitamins C, K, B2 that are great antioxidants. Cabbage is the healthiest summer fruit out of all!

Chilled melon soup
Meet the trendiest summer dish – chilled melon or cantaloupe soup. This is the number one summer fruit that needs no introduction as it’s rejuvenating and refreshing properties are very well known all around the world. Of course, you can easily eat it on it’s own, but you can also turn it into a yummy soup. Soups are perfect for those trying to shed some pounds. A soup will keep you satiated for a long time despite being low in calories and mostly consisting of water. Add some yoghurt, ginger and black pepper to make the flavor truly stand out.

Drink amla juice
Amla, which is part of the Ayurvedic medicine triphala churna, has amazing anti-inflammatory properties that turned out to be of great help for people with diabetes. It normalizes blood sugar levels and improves metabolism, all the while giving a boost to your immunity. Studies show diabetics need to consume food with high levels of vitamin C, and that can easily be done by consuming fresh juice of Amla. It also improves your digestive system!