If you often find yourself in a morning rush without the time to relax with a steamy cup of morning joe or camomile tea, this means you’re doing something wrong.

If you often find yourself in a morning rush without the time to relax with a steamy cup of morning joe or camomile tea, this means you’re doing something wrong.
The Japanese surely know how to create sweet and endearing trends. The new Toy Poodle trend may not be taking over the world yet, but it surely has won enough hearts for the Internet to notice.
The happiness of every person starts with self-love. It is simply impossible to find inner peace and happiness if you don’t learn to love yourself first.
Those lies are actually keeping you from growing and becoming a healthier, happier human being. They are toxic because most of the time you don’t even realize what they truly are!
The amount of books on diets is literally insane. But if we’re being honest, there are only a few things you should really pay attention to no matter how complicated various diet books will make it seem. So here are some life tips about losing weight that the diet books won’t teach you.
Erin Benzakein runs a flower farm called Floret Flowers with her family in Skagit Valley, Washington. You can make your home as fancy as you want, but nothing will ever be as beautiful as the natural decor that plants provide – especially flowers.
It seems that the real information on masks is being overshadowed by weird memes and fake medical claims made by the media it seems that we have to make our voices heard to straighten out some information, because people are believing some really bizarre things.
Sexism is still very much real for thousands of women all over the world. Sometimes it’s blunt, yet other times it’s so subtle people don’t think much of it. Here are 9 examples of casual sexism you should be aware of.
Horoscopes and Zodiac signs have become such a huge part of pop culture that they basically rule our world. So why not let this trend decide our perfect desserts?
Emotional intelligence, or EQ, might be a skill you can develop, but sometimes, it’s just about knowing that less is more, in the end. Here’s what you should avoid if you’re looking to enhance your EQ.
Humanity has been gazing at the moon for as long as we can remember ourselves. It gave light in the sheer darkness of the night and created special cycles that influenced people socially and psychologically. Today we may not follow those special cycles of the moon, but that doesn’t mean it lost its power to influence our mood and behaviour.
Do you sleep in socks or are you one of those people that thinks it’s insane, uncomfortable and just plain wrong to wear socks in bed?