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15 Things You Should Know about Being a Bridesmaid

Whether it’s the first or the 10th time for you, being a bridesmaid can be some intimidating territory. It’s an honor to be chosen as a bridesmaid, but the pressure that comes with that responsibility is real. Shake off that glow and start memorizing the following list of what your expected duties as a bridesmaid are, and how not to overstep.

Little Girl Is Mom’s Adorable Sous Chef In The Kitchen

Ever since she was a baby, Kinu has been assisting her mom in the kitchen with picturesque coffees, breakfasts, and other culinary adventures. This is much more than we can say for other youngsters her age – someone’s definitely going to be on Masterchef Junior in a couple of years!

Top 10 Vitamins To Help You Combat Stress

Stress impacts your whole body, lowering your immunity, ruining your sleep cycle, and messing with your digestion. That’s why it’s so important not only to figure out what’s stressing you, but to alter your diet so it would help your mind and body to heal.

8 Ways To Overcome Boredom While Staying At Home

Many of us are struggling with boredom these days. While being a millennial or a Gen Z kid might make it easier to stay home and escape into the internet, there are still extroverts who are finding it pretty hard to stay home.

9 Tips on How to Work From Home From Someone Who Does It Every Day

As COVID-19 slowly begins to affect all of us, many people around the world are finding themselves transitioning from office life to working from home. While doing conferences in your sweatpants can be fun, it’s easy to procrastinate when you’re at home – especially when we’re all anxious and stressed about the state of the world around us. Additionally, it can be hard to set work life and personal life boundaries to achieve that perfect balance. Here are some tips from the pros that have been doing it every day for a while.

Louis Vuitton Makes Hand Sanitizer Now For Free

The worldwide pandemic of COVID 19 is affecting us all. But it seems like humanity is winning. Instead of reacting with fear and anger as some did initially people are acting more compassionate than ever, trying to help each other and support one another the best they can.

Robert Irwin Recreates Legendary Photos Of His Father

We all grew up watching Steve Irwin courageous get way too close to some pretty dangerous animals to tell us everything he knows about them and how we can help those animals thrive. He loved animals and always talked about them with such wonder and amazement, which is why lots of people loved watching him, it was possibly the best show on TV that kept you entertained and educated you about wildlife at the same time.