Lots of people want to learn how to knit but they postpone it because it seems like something that grandmas do, so you know, perhaps they assume that knowledge and skill will just magically come to them the moment they become a grandma. Sadly, that’s not how it works. Another common excuse is lack of time. Knitting takes time and we’re all too busy doing something outside the house or just watching movies on Netflix. However, most of us still would like to be able to knit a scarf or a hat in their lifetime. Plus, knitting can be very stress-relieving and meditative. You know, perfect for these stressful quarantine times when we have a lot of time to overthink and not much to do. So here are 6 things you need to do to start knitting and end up loving it.

Time Frame
First and foremost you need to understand that learning will take time. You won’t be a pro at this from the get-go. You will probably suck at first, but in a week or two, you’ll get much better. What’s even more important — give yourself a time frame for your first knitting project. Just decide that you want to have an item knitted in a month or by a certain date, or in time for an event or a birthday. This will keep you motivated. And remember that the item you make doesn’t need to look perfect, it’s your first knitting attempt, just finish it even if it looks bad. Finishing it is what’s important at this point.

The Right Project
Another thing that’s important is that you pick a project that you will actually like. Don’t pick a random item like a scarf you don’t want. Scarfs might seem easy to knit, and while that’s true, they do take forever to finish because you want them to be long. So even though it might seem like you’re jumping ahead, try to pick a smaller item, even if it’s slightly more complicated. Hats are actually a great choice. You’ll have to learn more techniques but the overall time from start to finish will be way shorter, allowing you to enjoy that sense of accomplishment we all get once we finish a project.

Good Yarn
Too many people think along the line of “well this is my first try, so it’ll probably suck, no need to spend too much money on it, I’ll just get the cheapest yarn”. That’s a big mistake. If you get the cheapest kind of yarn you’ll probably abandon your project because you’ll hate how it looks or how it feels, or both. You should pick a yarn that will feel nice because you’ll spend hours with it wrapped around your fingers. The color should also be nice so that you’ll be motivated to finish knitting the item and actually want to wear it once you’re done. This way you’ll be more likely to pay attention and try to avoid or fix mistakes as you go instead of just abandoning it altogether.

Knitting Needles
The only thing you should worry about when picking your first set of knitting needles is the size. And you should pick the size based on the type of yarn you buy. On most websites that sell yarn, there’s information about the appropriate size of needles for each type of yarn. Generally, beginner knitting needles are between 6 and 9. When it comes to the kind of needles and what materials they’re made of — there’s really no difference, it’s all about your personal preference and what feels more comfortable in your hands.

Learning Method
Too many people underestimate choosing the right method of learning but it’s actually crucial. If you’re the kind of person than learns better when shown something in person — it’s best to find an online tutor that will be able to teach you, show everything to you and answer any kind of questions you might have. Or just ask your grandma. For others, online videos on Youtube might work just as well. And there are even knitting books that have diagrams and visualisations to help you understand what’s what. Pick the method that suits you best and be patient.

Minimal Distractions
We’ve all seen grandmas listening to the radio and knitting, or even watching a TV show at the same time as knitting a sweater. It seems so easy and a perfect way to keep your hands busy while watching something or listening to music. But that comes with years of practice. The first couple of weeks it’s important to set aside some time for knitting, where all you do is learn to knit and have no distractions. You need to focus. Once you learn the basics and know what you’re doing — that’s when you can attempt listening to music or a podcast. Sorry, but watching TV while knitting is for pros only.