If you fondly remember the maze screen saver, green desktop backgrounds, or the helpful paperclip on your computer, you’re definitely a ’90s girl. Those were the days of Snood games, butterfly hair clips, and stretchy tattoo necklaces. Essentials like Gap perfume, glitter, and boy band CDs like NSYNC were the craze.
Remember jamming to music on a Discman?
The ’90s also had its unique scent and sound. Gap perfume and glitter were all the rage, adding to the distinct feel of the era. And let’s not forget the boy band CDs, with groups like NSYNC defining the music scene. These CDs were often played on the latest tech gadget of the time – the Sony Discman. Sony’s first portable CD player was a must-have, letting you listen to the Backstreet Boys, Spice Girls, and Britney Spears on the go.

Still in possession of a beeper
Then there was the beeper or pager, a small device that predated the widespread use of cell phones. It was a sign of being connected and in touch, particularly important in a time when instant communication was not as accessible as it is today. The beeper was a hallmark of ’90s communication, with users sending coded messages like “143” to convey “I love you.”
If you ever sported a beeper on your jeans as a status symbol, it’s a telltale sign you are a ’90s girl.

Playing Snake on a Nokia phone was a favorite pastime. With its simple graphics and endless challenges, especially in Snake II, the game was addictive. The frustrating yet thrilling moment when your snake got too long and ate itself was unforgettable.

Halloweentown’ tops your list of Halloween favorites
For Halloween, nothing beats Disney Channel’s Original Movie “Halloweentown.” It’s still your top Halloween movie with its fun storyline and costume ideas. Its popularity even led to the creation of “Halloweentown II,” much to the delight of its fans.

Growing your AIM Buddy List with new contacts
In the realm of instant messaging, AOL was the go-to before Facebook. Chatting with friends or even chat robots (the Siri of the 20th century) was the norm. As social media evolved, sadly, our AOL Buddy Lists grew shorter.

Microsoft Paint is your digital canvas of choice
And who didn’t love creating digital masterpieces in Windows Paint? It was the perfect tool for making peace signs, smiley faces, and writing names in colorful brush strokes. It was a simple yet cool way to pass time, a stark contrast to today’s advanced digital art tools.

Oh, the nostalgia of the 1990s! From the music and games to the fashion and digital innovations, the ’90s were a time of exploration and fun, a period that many look back on with fondness and nostalgia.