We’ve made it a little tradition over here on Herbeauty to occasionally feature the artist we really love. Sometimes you just come across an illustration that really catches your eye and you just can’t help but want to share it with everyone you know. That’s exactly what happened when we stumbled upon Constanza on Instagram.
Constanza is an illustrator and a graphic designer from Chile, who’s currently living in a little town in Australia. She originally used to study business, but then came to Australia to experience new things and find some fun and exciting adventures. She became interested in Graphic Design and decided to do a course at Shillington College in Brisbane. That, in turn, made her interested in illustration and she started practicing her illustration skills. She mainly does digital media illustration and likes to focus on illustrations of women, fashion and flowers. From her Instagram, we see that she developed her own style and absolutely slays when it comes to colorful palettes and patterns. She’s currently working as a freelancer and you can buy some of her prints on her website.
1. This is how you do Friday night right. Watch and learns ladies. Happy weekend everyone!

2. Connection ~ “We are all connected; To each other, biologically. The earth, chemically. And the rest of the universe, automatically” ~ Neil deGrasse Tyson

3. INTUITION Goddess. She is Intuition. She is in tune. She is connected to her soul’s purpose. She is present in each moment. She listens to her souls inner knowing. She does not compromise. She is sensitive. She is at one with a higher power. She sees the unseen. She feels the emotions of those around her. She brings light and love to every room. She is intuition.

4. Feeling Christmassy. Christmas might be over, but there will always be a next one. This Christmas illustration is da bomb.

5. Sometimes there’s just nothing more relatable than two fabulous ladies dressed to the nines chilling on a pretty balcony. Or maybe that’s a staircase. Either way, it’s fabulous.

6. Here’s an illustration Constanza made in partnership with @ecofemmeto to commemorate International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and empower women around the world!

7. This one’s titled “The eclipse” and we think it’s amazing. We just love every detail and that the actual eclipse is eclipsed by the wonderful drawing of a woman.

8. Kindred – someone who you share a meaningful connection with.

9. Summer feels. Anyone else ready for this winter to be over? We can’t wait for summer over here.

10. Balance each other. The sun and the moon. Two pretty ladies. And some awesome patterned dresses.

11. Love our plants, save our planet. Loving the color palette in this illustration. They’re all earth tones yet it looks so colorful.

12. Powerful Women Week Day 3: Equality. It’s all about equal rights for everyone, no matter the gender, race, religion, etc. We are all equal.

13. What my Saturdays used to look like vs what they look like now. Who can relate? We sure did.