We don’t know if you know this but facial hair can be a very divisive thing. There are people who adore facial hair on men, they just can’t get enough of it. and then there are ones who absolutely hate it. And depending on which camp you’re in the following news might either excite you or ruin your day. It looks like there’s a new facial hair trend emerging amongst young celebs. It’s not a full-on beard, it’s not a handlebar moustache, it’s a little patchy scruffy look that will remind some of you of high-school boys who are just beginning to grow some fuzz on their face. But the difference here is that this time it’s done on purpose, it’s a look.
Timothee Chalamet
Quite a few celebs have sported this look but it was Timothee Chalamet who caused the biggest uproar with fans. Some loved it. We’ve seen tweets and posts on social media saying that his patchy little moustache and goatee is like a little treat and he can absolutely keep that look. Some fans are just confused whether it’s a personal choice or something he’s doing for a role. And then there are some who are appalled by this abomination on his face.

Harry Styles
But Timothee Chalamet isn’t the only one sporting this kind of moustache. Harry Styles has been experimenting with facial hair too. Harry’s actually been making massive strides when it comes to mixing up his looks, playing with style and changing up his appearance. He’s clearly not afraid to try something new and push the envelope. At this point, it feels like we will love whatever he wears in terms of clothes and accessories, but the facial hair, IDK..what do you think?

Justin Bieber
Quite a controversial celeb at this point, has also been seen sporting some facial hair. And while his moustache seems a tiny bit stronger and more grown then the abovementioned guys, it’s still not a full-on handlebar and it’s a bit patchy. When it comes to a beard, clearly he’s not quite capable of growing one but it looks like once in a while he tried to have that sparse 5 o’clock shadow look.

Lil Nas X
Lil Nas X, being the youngest celeb we’re mentioning today has a surprisingly strong facial hair game in comparison to the other guys. He’s only 20 but he’s slaying this scruff game. And it looks like he can pull off this look the best too.

Henry Golding
Now that we’ve mentioned the youngest celeb we’ve seen with this new moustache look, it seems fitting to mention the oldest one we’ve seen jump on the bandwagon and it’s Henry Golding. At 33 it’s surprising that he’s still in that boyish, can’t quite grow a full moustache or beard situation, but luckily for him that look is in now, so he’s god to go.