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9 Beauty Brands by Male Celebrities to Know

From nail polishes to facial scrubs and product designed specifically for bald men and their scalp health, there are plenty of male stars who are venturing into the world of beauty, boosting male confidence in a new way.

10 Harry Styles’ Best Fashion Moments

Harry Styles isn’t just a world-renowned pop star, actor, and hottie – he’s a fashion icon. A beacon of androgynous style, Harry has never shied away from a sassy painted nail or a floral blouse. And still, those boyish good looks serve us Leo DiCaprio meets David Bowie without fail, every time. Here are the best Harry Styles looks of all time – I mean, good taste is practically ingrained in his last name!

Young Celebs Are Starting A New Moustache Trend

It looks like there’s a new facial hair trend emerging amongst young celebs. It’s not a full-on beard, it’s not a handlebar moustache, it’s a little patchy scruffy look that will remind some of you of high-school boys who are just beginning to grow some fuzz on their face. But the difference here is that this time it’s done on purpose, it’s a look.