Have you ever watched a show and just wished you could emulate the character in every way possible? Sure you can use reference their quotes, but you know what would take it to a whole new level? Dressing like the character. And depending on the show it can make you look really weird, make you stand out in the crowd or just look like a very obvious costume, but if your favorite show is FRIENDS you can easily do that without people realizing you’re dressing up. Unless you’re trying to look like Phoebe. Everyone else in Friends dresses in a pretty chill way and that 90s aesthetic is all the rage right now, so you’ll fit right in. My favorite character is Chandler and this girl chose to dress like him, so I’m going to look through these 5 Chandler outfit choices and I suggest you do the same and get inspired. You can do this with your favorite character too.
1.The One With Five Steaks And An Eggplant
Blue jeans, white shirt – what a classic combo. Lana Del Ray even wrote a song about it. This is perfection for any casual outing.

2. The One With The Thumb
You probably remember this from the episode where Chandler smokes again. You’d think it’s too 90s to pull off, but clearly this girl makes it work. It looks hella cute to me.

3. The One With The Butt
A very casual and grungy look that anyone can wear. Just a button-down over a t-shirt and some jeans. Can we make that look come back, please?

4. The One with George Stephanopoulos
So much layering, there’s a t-shirt, a button-down and a jacket. Sounds like the perfect amount of layering for a cosy autumn day.

5. The One With the Bullies
A neutral grey sweatshirt, a hat to cover up a bad hair day and you’re ready to go. You can take on any bullies when you’re that comfy.