≡ Author: Naima Karp 》 Her Beauty

12 Kitchen Gadgets You Didn’t Know You Needed

Almost everybody has those kitchen essentials that are needed to cook basic dishes. But beyond your spatulas and pasta pots, there are some little-known gadgets and accessories that can turn you into a professional home cook in no time

Top 10 Stylish Moments of Rihanna and A$AP Rocky

After years of unconfirmed rumors, two of the music industry’s biggest (and hottest) titans are officially together. Part of the reason they fell for each other is probably because they both have undeniable style and swag.

12 Reasons to follow Holly Luyah 

Holly Luyah is a 29-year-old social media influencer from Oregon that Forbes has dubbed one of the Top 10 fashion influencers, and the plus size beauty can frequently be seen posting curve-flaunting outfits with killer accessories.