Yoga in Sanskrit means ‘unity’ – being one with your spirit, mind, and body. That’s why the ancient practice of yoga, which has existed for thousands of years, encompasses not only physical activities, static postures (asanas), and breathing exercises to keep our bodies healthy, but also a number of spiritual practices like meditation and mindfulness. But if you don’t have time for an in-depth study of yoga, don’t despair. You can start at home with some easy asanas and see how it works for you. Here are 8 yoga poses to boost your immunity, flexibility, and mood.
Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
This may seem like a very simple stance, but once you master it, aligning all your body parts into one straight line, you’ll find out that it somehow feels unnatural. That happens because most of the time we slouch, sit in weird positions, and lack flexibility due to sedentary work and not enough movement. This is the basic pose for whatever asanas you do later and it will immediately show you whether you have any issues with your spine.

Vrksasana (Tree Pose)
If you often feel that your mind is unbalanced and you tend to question everything, then Vrksasana or Tree Pose should become one of your favourites. You might experience some hardships when you start, but as you practice more and more, you will accumulate the sense of stability and your balance will improve greatly in all aspects of life. It also strengthens your spine and improves posture.

Matsyasana (Fish pose)
Matsyasana is one of the most rejuvenating poses that strengthens your core, improves spine flexibility, all the while boosting your immunity. It greatly increases energy levels and helps reduce stress. It opens up your chest and lungs, releasing whatever blocked emotions you may have in there. Fish pose is a great immunity booster that will greatly improve your mood if done on a regular basis.

Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose)
Virabhadrasana is one of the best poses when it comes to improving your flexibility. Named after a warrior Veerabhadra from the Hindu mythology, it also creates an empowering feeling, while improving concentration and focus. It helps stretch back, chest, stomach, lungs, and greatly improves overall stamina. It also strengthens your joints and helps you become more stable – both on your feet and inside your mind.

Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
Dhanurasana is a great pose to try when you’re feeling down, uptight, or have some supressed emotions brewing. This asana opens up your chest and heart, letting you breathe deeply and easily, bending the whole body into a beautiful arc. This pose relieves stress and psychological pressure, sending a signal to your mind that it’s okay to relax and there is no need to close up. It also helps stimulate the digestive organs.

Balasana (Child Pose)
Balasana is one of the easiest and most beneficial yogic poses even a beginner can do. It’s perfect for calming your mind and reducing stress as you feel safe and protected. This asana mimics you being inside the womb, so staying in this pose for a long time can bring great peace to your mind. Apart from its calming effect, Balasana also stretches your abdomen and helps flush out toxins, which is very important for you immunity.

Viparita Karani (Legs Up The Wall Pose)
Viparita Karani is the number one pose when it comes to relaxing both your mind and body. It requires close to no effort to get your feet up the wall, and then you simply enjoy the incredible effect it has on you. It’s a great pose for improving blood circulation and it will greatly boost your lymphatic system, which circulates from your feet up to your head. It helps flush out toxins, greatly improves your immunity, and calms your nervous system.

Sukhasana (Sitting Pose)
Simply sitting and breathing (or doing pranayama in yogic terms) can be extremely beneficial to the health of your mind, body, and soul. Once you finish with your major asanas, just sit down in the Sukhasana pose and either do a set of breathing exercises or just fully relax and breathe normally. Focus on your breathing and feel like your whole mind and body relaxes while you do this. It will calm your nerves, reduce stress, and improve mindfulness. Just be present in the moment and enjoy the feeling of simply being alive.