Hooded eyes have a bit of a bad rep in the beauty world, although they’re extremely common, even in celebrities. Due to the excess skin folding down from the brown bone, your crease is drastically obscured, creating a drowsy or narrow look. To keep your eyes wide awake and shining bright, try these easy makeup hacks.
1. Invest in a high quality eye primer. Without it, eye makeup smears and smudges, which looks even more dramatic on hooded eyes. Keep makeup in place with the perfect primer.

2. Shiny shadows can draw attention to the upper brow bone, so if you’re looking to reduce this area, opt for matte shades instead. While shimmery shadows reflect light and make things look bigger, matte draws attention away from the hood.
3. To make hooded eyes look more lifted, place a folded handkerchief on the outer corner of your nose to your brow, applying shadow from the center of your eye out towards the handkerchief in a straight line.

4. Don’t apply makeup with your eyes closed, as it can make finding the natural crease harder. Instead, apply with eyes open. It’s a popular straight line technique.
5. Here’s a cat eye hack – first, line your eyes, then flick with your eye open, starting at the fold and gently pulling outward and upward. Hold and elongate the wing past the fold, doing a final trace with liquid liner.

6. If you’re lining your upper lid, try to only use a fine-point pen. When liner isn’t applied thin enough and has a long wind, it can make your eyes look even smaller. Keep the lining light for big bright eyes!

7. Style your brows – they’ll be in the spotlight due to the socket shape of hooded eyes, so style them with a light color beneath and light brushstrokes to enhance sparse brows.
8. Contour your cheeks. This hack can lengthen your eyes. To do so, apply a highlighter on the cheekbone. Using a darker color to contour is necessary in balancing the cheekbone and increasing the length of the eye.

9. Use white eyeliner since it makes your eyes look bigger. To apply, line the bottom of your eyes with the white liner.