Although beauty is in the eye of the beholder, a blend of traits and characteristics can make any person more attractive, helping them stand out. Things like prioritizing healthy living and being confident in your own skin can attract others, making you more magnetic. People who radiance positivity give off a special energy that’s impossible to ignore. Here are the five traits that belong to some of the most attractive women in the world.
1. Self-care
Self-care is an important part of anyone’s life. It doesn’t just encourage better mental and physical health – it helps you radiate confidence and beauty. Self-care can include sleeping well, exercising regularly, partaking in good hygiene, and occasionally treating yourself to beauty treatments. Good self-care means lower levels of stress, which draws others to you. Self-care also means being compassionate to yourself, doing things that bring you joy, and setting boundaries.

2. Positive vibes
Being positive is an incredibly attractive trait. But how do you become alluring with positive vibes? By staying optimistic, seeing things with a glass-half-full attitude, and practicing gratitude. Appreciate and own your strengths and the things you’ve accomplished rather than dwelling on your mistakes or weaknesses. People with these values are often seen as more approachable and naturally confident.

3. Being authentic
Embracing authenticity is the best way to stay true to your inner self – it also acts as a moral compass for many. Being authentic can mean staying honest, always being genuine, and remaining transparent when interacting with others. Authentic people don’t play games – how they act is who they are, and this leads to deeper, more genuine connections. It also lets people see and appreciate your true self, which can be a very desirable trait.

4. Confidence
Women who exude confidence are incredibly attractive. Confidence is one of those traits that can change someone’s demeanor entirely. There’s something about someone who’s entirely comfortable in their own skin and valuing their self-worth. It’s something that’s often reflected in body language. You can give off an air of confidence by making strong eye contact, being determined in your words and actions, and standing tall with good posture.

5. Empathy and kindness
Being empathetic, kind, and compassionate towards others is an attractive trait, no matter your gender. Kindness never goes out of style. When you show support, compassion, and understanding towards others, it’s simply a magnetic trait. Additionally, being a good listener who’s willing to help others will draw people to you in no time.