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12 Best Indian Desserts | Her Beauty

12 Best Indian Desserts

Many people associate Indian cuisine with various types of curry. While that’s a true and tried classic, Indian cuisine has much more to offer. Today we thought we’d concentrate on the type of desserts India has to offer and let’s just say these ones we picked for you are the best and tastiest ones. However these are just a few that we picked, there’s so much more kinds of Indian sweets out there.

10 Foods With Almost Zero Calories | Her Beauty

10 Foods With Almost Zero Calories

Restricting calories and constant dieting is not a great idea. It’s always best to eat everything you want but in moderation. However, we all have those days where we definitely ate enough but we still want to munch on something late at night. And you know chocolates, sweets or chips are not a great idea. Here are some foods that contain very little calories, so you can munch on them guilt-free and not worry about the scale.

8 Benefits of Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea has been used as a calming remedy and medicine for certain illnesses since ancient times. In modern day it remains a popular choice for many who seek health benefits and it’s even added to certain cosmetics for the same reason. Here are a few benefits of chamomile tea you should know.

7 Reasons To Switch From Coffee To Tea

One way to get a bit of a caffeine boost without stained teeth, digestive problems, and disrupted sleep is to switch to drinking tea instead. Here are 7 reasons why you should switch from coffee to tea and a few ways to do it.

8 Benefits of Bulletproof Coffee | Her Beauty

8 Benefits of Bulletproof Coffee

Coffee with butter, AKA Bulletproof coffee, which is said to provide superhuman energy and performance enhancement. It is a blend of coffee, brain octane oil, and grass-fed cow butter, making for thick and sumptuous beverage. Whether you’re looking to increase productivity, gain inspiration, or just lose a couple of pounds, bulletproof coffee offers a variety of uses for everyone.

7 Health Benefits of Salmon | Her Beauty

7 Health Benefits of Salmon

As one of the most nutritious foods on Earth, salmon is packed with many health benefits. Salmon is so powerful that it can even reduce the risk of several diseases. It’s versatility and delicious taste makes it an easy addition to incorporate into your standard diet. If you are looking for a new variety of fish to add to your weekly or monthly meal prep, check out these 7 amazing health benefits of salmon. 

15 Easy Halloween Cookie Ideas

Costumes are great and all, but Halloween is really all about the sweets. For the best ghoulish inspiration this year, check out these 15 easy Halloween cookie ideas. 

12 Cozy Fall Breakfast Ideas | Her Beauty

12 Cozy Fall Breakfast Ideas

As the season changes, the leaves turn and the weather gets more chilly, a warm, delicious breakfast gets even more inviting. Whether you are having breakfast in bed on an easy breezy Saturday morning, or cooking up something quick before work, there are so many tasty fall inspired dishes to try.

6 Most Iconic Foods to Eat in Italy

Italy is known for its amazing architecture and internationally recognized fashion houses – but for foodies everywhere, Italy is the number one destination for mouthwatering cuisine. You may have tasted italian food before in your hometown or country. But until you’ve had an authentic pizza margherita or white truffle, you’ve never really had Italian food. Even if you don’t consider yourself a hardcore food connoisseur, trying authentic Italian food should be on everyone’s bucket list.

10 Best Movie Night Snack Ideas

When you’re having a movie night, you need the ultimate snacks on hand. Aren’t you tired of popcorn and candy? Go back to your childhood and Step up that movie marathon with these decadent appetizers that are impossible to put down.