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This Is How You Make That Trendy Dalgona Coffee At Home

Dalgona coffee is taking over the internet and the world. This new frothy coffee-based beverage is all over social media. There are countless photos of it on Instagram, people are doing all sorts of variations of it on Youtube, but we’re pretty sure TikTok is the platform where this madness started.

9 Ways to Make Salads That You’re Excited to Eat

Salad is probably the last thing on everyone’s mind during this period of social distancing, but getting your nutrients is important in keeping your system strong. Eating healthy is also beneficial for mental health – make your day more positive with one of these salads, comprised of unexpected ingredients that will leave your mouth watering.

What is UHT Milk And What Are the Benefits of It?

Pasteurization has been the name of the milk game for a long time now. In our modern world, along with other health advances, scientists realized that if milk wasn’t sterilized after being extracted from the cow, goat, or sheep, toxic bacteria and spores can enter our bodies and prove to be potentially lethal. Normal pasteurization kills most of those germs, it doesn’t nec-essarily get rid of all of them. The solution? Meet UHT milk.

12 Best Foods That Boost the Immune System

During this time, many of us are stuck at home. its tempting to hide in a sleeve of Oreos and eat all the junk food we can handle. However, we must try to stay away from emotional eating, and do what we can to nourish the temple that is our body. Here are the top immune boosting foods so that you can feel more in control of the situation, and less helpless.

6 Things that Happen to Your Body When You Eat Salmon Every Day

Seafood in general can be a great option for improving your overall health. Different varieties of fish offer vast health benefits that can help alleviate several health issues and boost your immune system. But one of the most effective types of fish in the sea is salmon. This seafood powerhouse has the potential to totally change aspects of your health in just a matter of months. It’s texture and taste give it the versatility needed to start incorporating salmon into your diet very regularly.

The 8 Tastiest Ukrainian Dishes

Ukrainian cuisine is unique, varied, but at the same time very specific. If you’ve never tried any Ukrainian dishes you should definitely try some when travelling to Ukraine. There’s a traditional dish for everyone.

12 Ways to Turn Sweet Potatoes into Dinner

Sweet potatoes are affordable, a nutritional powerhouse, and they also happen to taste amazing. Whether they’re mashed, stuffed, roasted or baked, you won’t be able to get enough of these irresistible sweet potato recipes.