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6 Steps To Becoming a Better You | Her Beauty

6 Steps To Becoming a Better You

Loving yourself sounds like an easy task, but it can actually take hard work. We are often so kind to people around us, but don’t realize how cruel we are to ourselves. But self love is important, and the key to truly living a happier life.

8 Daily Habits That Will Make You Happier

The concept of happiness can be mistaken as a single state of being that we all should strive to attain; and once we reach it, we will feel ultimate bliss. But what many don’t realize is that happiness is more about the journey than the destination. Often times, we fanaticize about a distant time in the future when we will feel better or being in a happier state of mind. But finding happiness is something we must work on every single day.

11 Signs You’re Too Much of a Perfectionist

Being too much of a perfectionist leaves no room for error, and can be unhealthy for you and difficult for those closest to you. If you feel like you may be a little too harsh on yourself or others, check out these 11 signs that you’re too much of a perfectionist.

8 Self-Checks Every Woman Should Do

Taking care of yourself physically is a big part of self-care that every woman should invest time into. Take considerations to look out for certain signs inside and out, for the benefit of no one other than yourself.

Meet Woebot, A Therapist In An App | Her Beauty

Meet Woebot, A Therapist In An App

Therapy can be a useful tool for a range of individuals of all different backgrounds. But in some cultures, therapy is attached to stigma, and people are intimidated to attend an in-person session. This fear is hindering their ability to self-help, so the internet came up with a solution: mental health chatbots.

6 Ways to Be More Positive at Work | Her Beauty

6 Ways to Be More Positive at Work

Let’s face it: we all want our dream job, but sometimes we have to take a few less appealing gigs before we get there. We can’t all love our jobs, but the way we think about them is totally within our control.

Here's What Your Sleeping Position Tells About Your Personality | Her Beauty

Here’s What Your Sleeping Position Tells About Your Personality

When we fall asleep, we become completely open and true to ourselves. There are no masks, no roles to play, and we don’t have to prove anything to anyone. It’s a vulnerable and sincere state that allows us to let go, relax, and act natural. This is when your body chooses a position that best suits your personality or current state of mind.

7 Small Steps To Learn to Love Your Body

The road to positive body image is not a one-size-fits-all journey, which makes expected because we are all different in beautiful ways. And learning to love yourself doesn’t have to be conquered in a day. To learn how to conquer and commit to a positive self-image, check out these 7 small steps to learn to love your body.

10 Most Influential Women in History

Women are often left out of history, but play integral roles in it. We’re here to take the narrative back and tell her-story as it was intended to be told. These ladies paved the way for our greatness, so let’s give them a nod of respect.

Cameron Boyce’s Untimely Death – A Tribute

Cameron Boyce, star of the Disney series “Jessie,” has tragically passed away at the tender age of 20. Robert Iger, the head of the Walt Disney company, confirmed this news on Saturday. Cameron, we hope you’re at peace somewhere and that your spirit of generosity lives on in all of your fans who will bring immortality to your legacy.