Getting your eyebrows on fleek is a struggle for so many – sometimes, no powder, pencil, or pigment can help the sparsest of brows. The answer? Semi-permanent brows, thanks to microblading.
What is microblading?
It’s essentially a form of tattooing – pigment is tatted under the skin with a manual handheld tool rather than a machine. Apparently, it’s not as scary as it sounds, although the pain varies for everyone. Many prep their clients with topical numbing cream. The process usually takes approximately two hours.

How does microblading work?
Usually the artist draws on the eyebrow shape, to complement face shape and size, then the artist choose the colors, applies initial strokes and anesthetic, and works pigment into each stroke. Afterwards, a pigment mask is absorbed into the skin with a final medical silicone layer applied after the area has been thoroughly cleaned.

What happens after microblading?
Microblading has evolved to microfeathering, which is a lighter touch to subtly enhance, while microshading, provides the look of brow makeup. Aftercare is an important part of getting micro-blading, which means staying away from moisture for the week and treating it like an open wound during the healing period.

How much does microblading cost and how long does it last?
Results can last up to three years, which many use to justify the price of initial treatment which can cost up to $900. They can initially look dark and sharply pigmented but this will eventually fade to a more natural look. Less expensive treatments are available, but since it is a form of tattooing, going with an inexperienced technician might end in disaster.

Does microblading affect hair growth?
One of the common questions women have is whether microblading affect hair growth or no. The answer is no, microblading does not prevent hair growth or hinder the natural ability to grow.

Are there any contraindications for microblading?
Touch up might be required but they won’t be too expensive. Allergic reactions may occur, and although rare, you should always ask your esthetician what types of pigments they use and how they normally take precautions. Pre existing conditions that may interfere include pregnancy, breastfeeding, diabetes, or other serious diseases, recent Botox treatment, sunburns, and chemical peels.