The Obamas have been in the limelight since 2008, when they became one of America’s favorite families to ever grace the White House. Since then, the country has watched the Obama family change and evolve, especially in the case of First Lady Michelle and President Barack’s two daughters Sasha and Malia. The two have grown up to be amazing young women, and it has been wonderful to watch their relationship continue to change with their parents, especially their mother First Lady Michelle. Here’s a look at what the relationship is like between First Lady Michelle and her daughters Sasha and Malia.
First Lady Michelle is very protective of her daughters.
During an interview with Oprah, Michelle reminisced on her time with the girls during their early White House years. When the Obamas moved in to the White House in 2009, Malia was only 10 and Sasha was only 7 years old. First Lady Michelle discussed what it was like trying to keep the girls safe: “Every weekend was hard following these little girls around,” Obama said. “We had to worry about what parties they were going to, whether there was alcohol, I had to know who the parents were, so every weekend for me was hard.”

First Lady Michelle encourages them to live their own life according to what feels right for them.
One mantra that First Lady Michelle wants her daughters to live by is this: “What I tell them is … that they have to walk their own walk,” said Mrs. Obama. “They cannot define themselves by looking at each other or looking at me or their dad. They have to take the time to get to know themselves — give themselves a moment to figure out who they want to be in the world, not who they think I want them to be, not what the rest of the world says about them, but to really think about how they want to shape their lives and how they want to move in this world.”

She doesn’t want them to have unrealistic expectations of themselves.
First Lady Michelle encourages her girls to be their own measurement of how they feel about their own lives. “I don’t want them measuring themselves by external influences, and for young girls, that is hard to do.”

They keep in contact with each other regularly.
While the girls are away at school, First Lady Michelle keeps in contact with them pretty much everyday. She said she sends them daily reminders of things like, ““Did I ever tell you to remember things like are you eating some green things?” Obama said. “Gosh, I give them so much advice that they are sick of me.”

They have traveled the world together.
The Obamas have spent a lot of amazing family vacations and holidays jet-setting around the globe. For example, they made a point of traveling to Hawaii on Christmas to spend time with President Barack’s family.

She has had a lot of personal time with her girls while President Obama was away on work.
“As a full-time working mom with a spouse who was often away from home, I became well acquainted with the juggle many women know,” she writes, “trying to balance the needs of my family with the demands of my job.” This gave her many opportunities to spend quality girl time with her daughters.

First Lady Michelle, Sasha and Malia have spent a lot of time together during quarantine.
Since the beginning of the global pandemic brought on by COVID-19, the Obama girls have been quarantining with their mom and dad at home. “We were all being organised and we would spend the days apart doing our respective work – the girls were still in classes in the spring – and so we would be working and then doing a little exercise, and then come together in the evenings,” Mrs. Obama said in a recent interview.

The girls were initially excited about spending extra time with their parents. Now, not so much.
As the summer went on, and turned to fall and now winter, the Obama daughters are not so ecstatic to be stuck at home with their parents. But in response First Lady Michelle said, “I’m just glad that they’re staying put. Even if they’re sick of me.”