While many fan-favorite celeb couples in Hollywood have saddened the public with news of their favorite breakups (re: Kimye, J.Lo and A.Rod) there were also plenty of new relationships blossoming like that of Adele and Rich Paul, and Michael B Jordan and Lori Harvey. And of course, we can’t forget about Zendaya and Tom Holland.
Hot, young actors and actresses on the scene might get their 15 minutes trending online, but no one can touch the hottest couple reunion of all time known as Bennifer. This is the one couple that is consistently breaking the Internet and dominating tabloid headlines, and for good reason. Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck were once a hot couple back in the early 2000s, until they broke up in 2004, abruptly ending their engagement.

According to Affleck, their downfall was due to the paparazzi and magazines, who were infringing on their happy day with “excessive media attention.” Still, 17 years later, the universe has brought them together again, and the two are doing better than they ever have, with optimal communication and teamwork. Their first appearance was posted by Page Six, who saw the two giving each other some intense PDA. Their first red carpet appearance was at the Venice International Film Festival.

They’re the image of beautiful co-parenting, especially since images were released of Jennifer Garner hanging out with her ex Ben Affleck and his new bae J.Lo on Halloween, making for a wholesome trick or treating family event with all the kids present. Since then, we’ve seen images of the two spending time together in Montana and boarding a private plan for some quality R&R.

Everyone loves a good reunion, and it doesn’t hurt that we all love a good dose of early 2000s nostalgia as well in this bizarre, post-apocalyptic world. Still, the secret to the success of this couple in 2022 is learning to own their privacy and maintain some boundaries with the very nosy public and photographers. He said that he’s going to “exercise a little restraint” in an interview with the Wall Street Journal Magazine, but did reveal that he was blessed due to the presence of second chances in his life.

US Weekly recently reported that Bennifer was discussing what their dream wedding would look like, and according to an inside source, they’re planning an “intimate but immaculate” wedding event. Back in 2002, Affleck proposed with a whopper of a 6.1carat pink diamond ring for Harry Winston, and we can’t wait to see what bling he’s going to whip out for the 2.0 proposal.
It won’t b the first marriage for either of them — Jen has tied the knot 3 times, while Affleck was married to Jennifer Garner for 13 years. Still, there’s a fairytale-like quality about the situation.

But why exactly does our culture have such a crazy Bennifer obsession? After all, it’s the general public’s obsession with the couple that forced them to call out their wedding in the first place. But it does seem like they’re meant to be — through countless marriages, divorces, and other high-profile relationships, the fact that the two of them are single and found their way back to each other does feel a little bit magical.

And in a world where nostalgia is currency, we can all relive our youth via the reunion of Bennifer. People also compare them to a couple you knew back in high school or college — of course if they get back together, you want to be in the loops!

Today, they know that it’s not exactly realistic to hide from the cameras. But in their late 40s and early 50s, Ben and Jen are a lot more mature and better equipped to handle that high level of fame as grown-ups now that have gained more Tinseltown wisdom over the years. They understand that even though they might always reign as the most popular celeb couple ever (mean, look at their combined genetics), they know not to make themselves as accessible and vulnerable as they did in the past. As Bennifer explores this new chapter of life together and gets to enjoy that sizzling chemistry they’ve always been known for, we’ll just keep our fingers crossed that it lasts this time around.