Many women have types and preferences when it comes to what they like in a man, and this definitely includes style and personal fashion. First impressions are very important when it comes to attracting a potential partner, and the way a man presents himself physically can set the tone for a great match or a major flop. Check out these 9 things all girls love to see men wear.
Great Shoes and Footwear
Women love to see a guy with great taste in shoes. That doesn’t necessarily mean that his shoes have to be of one style or another, but just look great and is thoughtfully selected based on his entire outfit or look. It could even mean that a more casual or less meticulous look, as long as it goes well with his personality and style. Shoes are a prime way to really understand a person’s style.

A nice pair of Jeans
There is nothing more attractive than a guy in a great pair of jeans that fit just right. Some guys like loose-fitting jeans, while other prefer more fitted, slim cut jeans. This also is based on personal style and preference. But women love a guy in a great looking pair of jeans, wearing them with confidence.

Well-fitted Suits
When a guy dresses up in a suit, that actually fits well, women most certainly take notice. Alternatively, a suit that is falling down around a guy will not send the best message to a potentially interested girl. A suit that is tailored to fit snug around the shoulders, waits and pants will set a great first impression.

V-Neck Sweaters
This business casual look is definitely a head-turner, especially paired nicely with the right color jeans, chinos, or khaki pants. V-necks send a message to women that a guy is laid back, relaxed but still takes pride in the way her looks and dresses.

Plain White Shirts
A crisp, clean white tee can work wonders for a casual look for guys. It’s simple but tailored, and can exude to women that a guy is super relaxed and confident. A nice white tee pairs perfectly with a fresh pair of simple jeans.

Rolled Sleeves
This look is really set off with a great button down shirt, or relaxed sweater. When a guy rolls up his sleeves, he shows a woman that he doesn’t take himself too seriously, and that he also isn’t afraid to put in some work and get his hands dirty. Rolled up sleeves, paired with a nice pair of shades, is also the epitome of cool.

Jewelry and Accessories
Guys may not tend to wear a lot of jewelry, but a few carefully selected pieces of jewelry are always attractive to women. This can include a hat, statement watch, gold chain or bracelet, or a nice pair of cufflinks.

The versatility of chinos is a go to for many guys, and most ladies don’t mind that one bit. Many women love a guy in chinos, who pairs them well with a nice tie or cashmere sweater. This look is sure to catch the attention of female admirers.

Fragrances and Colognes
All of these looks and statement pieces are further enhanced by a great smelling cologne. Setting the vibe and feel for the interaction between potential partners can be easily done by scent. All women like a guy who smells good, making hugs and close encounters that much more memorable and lovable. The way a guy smells is also said to be one of the deciding factors in choosing who they want to be with, making it one of the most important things a woman likes a guy to wear.