Watermelon is definitely a favorite summer fruit for many. It’s yummy, it works both as a snack, as a smoothie, as a dessert, and can be added to savory dishes. Watermelons are also full of vitamins and pretty low in calories which is a great combo if you think about it. Today we’re going to share with you some facts about the watermelon that you probably don’t know and perhaps these will make you want to eat watermelon more often. Here we go.
1. Super High Water Content
Watermelons are 91% water, yet they’re still sweet and delicious and don’t taste watery at all. It’s a great way to keep hydrated if you’re not one of those people who can just drink 8 glasses of water. Now you have no excuse left, just snack on watermelon and keep hydrated.

2. Low In Calories
Watermelons only have 46 calories per cup and honestly, that’s quite low for something as sweet as watermelon. You know what this means right? You can add watermelon to your fruit salads and savory salads too, it will add flavor and bulk without adding a ton of calories. It’s a great snack for those wanting to slim down or lose weight because it will fill you up thanks to all the water content but it’s healthy and tasty.

3. There Are Many Kinds
There are so many kinds of watermelons. There are seeded ones and seedless, tiny and huge ones, pink and even yellow ones and they all have a slightly different flavor to them, so do yourself a favor and try every kind of watermelon available to you. You’ll never regret that decision, and you might find a new favorite.

4. Rich In Antioxidants
Have you heard about lycopene? It’s a great and powerful antioxidant that gives fruits and veggies their red color and can benefit your heart health and has even been said to protect your skin from sunburns and prevent certain types of cancer. Tomatoes are full of lycopene, but watermelon actually has more of it than tomatoes do.

5. Relieves Muscle Soreness
Watermelon contains an amino acid called L-citrulline which can help with muscle soreness, so next time you smash a difficult workout you should treat yourself with some watermelon and you won’t feel the soreness afterwards.

6. Keeps Your Eyes Healthy
Watermelon is full of vitamin A, which as we all know is important for eye health and good vision, so eating a cup of watermelon a day can actually be beneficial for your eye health. This is especially important for those who spend a lot of time staring at a screen, so you know, most of us.

7. Good For Hair and Skin
Since watermelon is rich in water, vitamin A and vitamin C — it’s great for your skin and your hair. The water content keeps you hydrated, Vitamin A works on keeping your skin looking young, plump, and supple and Vitamin C will help keep your hair looking strong and shiny.

8. Great For Digestion
No one wants to experience digestive issues, and having watermelon can really be beneficial to your digestive system. The high water content is good for keeping your digestive system running smoothly and a little bit of finger that watermelon has is also good for your digestion. Basically, eat some watermelon now and then and your digestion will be in top shape.