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6 Things that Happen to Your Body When You Eat Salmon Every Day

Seafood in general can be a great option for improving your overall health. Different varieties of fish offer vast health benefits that can help alleviate several health issues and boost your immune system. But one of the most effective types of fish in the sea is salmon. This seafood powerhouse has the potential to totally change aspects of your health in just a matter of months. It’s texture and taste give it the versatility needed to start incorporating salmon into your diet very regularly.

Celeste Barber Walks The Runway At Melbourne Fashion Week

You’ve probably heard of Celeste Barber before. She’s only the comedy genius, the funny lady on Instagram who does all those side by side celeb photos recreations. This hilarious Australian woman brings us joy, makes us laugh and truly shows us how ridiculous some of the celebrity photos are and how unrealistic and silly it would be if we tried to take the same photos as real humans without a team of stylists, photographers, makeup artists and personal trainers.