As great as modern technology is, it can have its downsides. With the majority of communication shifting to online, many of us have lost our ability to interpret people’s true feelings and express our own feelings. This rings especially true when it comes to love.
Fortunately, our gestures can say a thousand words, so learning how to properly read body signals can help you understand the reality of the situation more accurately. People can be a puzzle, but understanding body language is a truth serum of sorts. Here are all the signs that help you figure out a man’s real feelings – no language required.
1. Raising eyebrows
If a man lifts his eyebrows when he sees you, it means that he’s loving everything he sees. He wants more of you, and so subconsciously, his eyes open more widely, which raises eyebrows.

2. Clammy hands
Having moist hands means he gets nervous or hot when he’s in your presence. This might indicate that he’s worried about making the wrong move and ruining his chances with you or scared of saying something boring that might scare you off. Wet hands mean nervousness, so take it as a compliment!

3. Leaning towards you
Although this one is pretty obvious, it means he’s extremely interested. Of course, every situation is different, and if you’re in a loud setting like a bar or a party, he may have to lean over just to be heard. But if he can already hear you and still leans forward, it means that he feels a connection and doesn’t want to miss a word you say.

4. Palm pressing
When a man presses his palm into yours, it indicates a desire to connect even further. The same goes for interlocked fingers.

5. Spreading legs
Although this might be an indicator of bad manners, it’s also a sign of trust. Opening their legs wide is a vulnerable position for men, and by doing this in your presence, it means that he invests his trust in you. That being said, he should read the room if the gesture is making you feel uncomfortable!

6. Deep breathing
Taking deep breaths when he’s in your presence means that he needs more oxygen and simultaneously wants to make his chest look larger and his waist look smaller. By puffing himself up, his subconscious is attempting to look more attractive to you.

7. Eye contact
We all know that feeling when you catch eyes with someone and get butterflies. If you’re around other people but keep catching him glancing or even staring at you, especially when you look over, it’s a clear sign of interest. Confident guys aren’t shy to have longer eye contact, but the shy ones may steal secret glances when you pass by. If he looks at you when you’re laughing, that’s also a positive sign.

8. He touches his neckline or collar
Another indicator of nervousness is if he’s fussing around with his neckline; this fidgeting means that he’s into you. People often tug at something with their hands when they’re nervous, so keep an eye out for that, even if it’s not around his neckline.

9. Authentic smiles
In general, men have more restrained smiles than women. However, when they spend time with someone they like, that genuine smile can come spilling out. Look for signs such as squinty eyes, forehead wrinkles, and showing their teeth when they smile. This means you’re impacting him in a good way!

10. Changing tone or voice
Does his voice change when he’s around you? If the tone of his voice gets a little softer and sweeter than how he usually speaks to others, this could be because he’s falling for you. Additionally, if he slows down when he speaks, it’s a sign of feeling more relaxed and comfortable.

11. Walking next to you
If a man walks ahead of you, he’s clearly more into himself than you. However, if he walks beside you, it indicates interest in your personality and everything you have to say. Though this is a positive sign of mutual communication and interest, he may walk ahead of you in crowded or dangerous contexts as a way of being protective.

12. Being respectful with your belongings
The way a man treats your possessions says a lot about you. Will he hold your purse? Does he toss you your coat or hand it to you politely? Pay attention to how much respect he shows your belongings, since it indicates his respect for you. Even if he appears to treat you well but doesn’t treat your stuff well, it could be a warning sign that he’s not being genuine.

13. Accidentally touching
Does it feel like he’s always inadvertently touching you? Whether it comes out as bumping your arm or hitting your feet beneath the table occasionally, this shows a subconscious desire to be closer to you. We keep our distance from people we don’t like, but the opposite goes for people we have feelings for.

14. Not taking his phone out
Let’s be real: it’s pretty annoying when someone always takes their phone out and conveys a lack of respect and interest to someone in their presence. If he can keep his phone away for most of your time together and isn’t constantly checking messages or Instagram, he thinks the world can wait, and paying attention to you is more important.

15. Parting lips
This is a subtle one, but it’s major! Pay attention to his lips if you’re still unsure whether his facial expression changes when he lays an eye on you. If a man parts his lips when he sees you, either right away or a little later, it’s a sign of warm feelings towards you.