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8 Ways To Overcome Boredom While Staying At Home

Many of us are struggling with boredom these days. While being a millennial or a Gen Z kid might make it easier to stay home and escape into the internet, there are still extroverts who are finding it pretty hard to stay home.

Divorce Numbers Spike In China Spikes Because of Quarantine

Quarantines might be a fairly recent development in Europe and the US, but China’s been dealing with it since last year and people have been stuck at home for a while. Many thought this would mean a baby-boom for the country since you can’t leave the house, you might as well get busy and use your free time to make some babies. But the reality seems to be way less optimistic.

10 Games To Play With Kids While Self-Isolating

Lots of people say self-isolation is hard because they just feel lonely, however, when you’re self-isolating and you have kids it’s a whole other kind of problem. Kids naturally have a lot of energy and they get bored easily. So while they are usually kept busy at school and various after school classes and activities you signed them up for, these days they’re just gonna be bored out of their mind at home and bursting with energy. And you can’t really ignore them all day long, so here are some games you can play with your kids that will keep them entertained.