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10 Exercises for Stress Relief

People love to exercise for chiseled muscles and to keep the love handles away, but everyone needs to know the importance of exercise for mental health as well. Show your brain some love by trying out these de-stressing methods.

Gifts To Get Your BFFs For Galentine’s Day

While getting bombarded with life size teddy bears, roses and candy grams from men in our lives is sweet, there’s nothing like showing appreciation for your irreplaceable gal pals. We’re so glad that Amy Poehler shone a light on Galentine’s Day so that we can remind our true soulmates how much we love them.

10 Natural Ways to Balance Your Hormones

Whether you have a natural hormonal imbalance, or one induced by birth control or menopause, we all know that having hormonal levels out of whack can cause a boatload of issues such as weight gain, acne irritability, and mood swings.

Beyond Lil’ Miquela – The Top Digital Models To Know

With the rise of augmented reality and AI, our digital possibilities are greater now than ever. Many fear that their jobs will be stolen by robots in this e-revolution, and now models are part of that demographic. You don’t have to be genetically blessed to make it anymore – just well-edited.

12 Signs Your Dating Standards Are Too High

First of all, let’s establish that having high standards in relationships is not a bad thing. Everyone deserves to be happy, and everyone is free to define what that means for them. If that means that you won’t settle for anything other than a doppelgänger of your favorite movie star with the personality of a saint — so be it. It’s all good. It only becomes a problem when you don’t realize that your standards are too high. And if they are (and you don’t), hopefully this article can help.

11 Beauty Trends for 2019

Several great beauty products came out of 2018, and 2019 is already seeing some of the most innovative beauty trends we’ve ever seen. From hemp oil-infused lip balm and jelly-based makeup to activated charcoal and olive oil, there is a new beauty or personal care product on the scene for everyone. Check out these 11 beauty and personal trends that are sure to make waves in 2019.

7 Things To Do On Valentine’s Day If You’re Single

While Valentine’s day may be a highly anticipated celebration for couples around the world, this lover’s holiday can be a serious downer if you are flying solo. And like clockwork, those lovebirds never fail at flaunting their mutual infatuation both on and offline. Instead of hopelessly scrolling through an endless timeline of grand gifts and romantic gestures this year, check out this list of 7 best ideas for how you can spend this Valentine’s Day if you’re single.

6 Foods Every Woman Should Eat at Least Once a Week

Being the superhumans that we are, it’s important for women to ensure we are fueling our bodies and minds with healthy, nutrient-rich foods. Because incorporating new foods into our daily lifestyles can be a challenge in itself, here are 6 simple foods to easily blend into your week’s meals.